Tuesday, October 07, 2008

RE: SNL Bailout Skit - George Soros Doesn't Like It

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Leo Krayola is Voting 4 Chuck Baldwin 2008
Date: 08 Oct 2008, 10:15

SNL Bailout Skit - George Soros Doesn't Like It

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Rainb☼♪angles
Date: Oct 8, 2008 3:13 AM



I made a new animation. Enjoy.

Stace The Wizer
Truth Seeker Against The New World Order™

Truth Seeker Against The New World Order™

Orwellian Bob
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 22:10

From: Chrissay 3Λ07ved Enough To Vote 3rd Party
NOW how free do you feel ?
Scruffy: Enemy Combatant, VOTING THIRD PARTY

Censorship of SNL skit critical of Democrats and Soros....

The democRats daddy warbucks; convicted felon and con-man George Soros, didnt like the SNL skit...so now its being 'removed from circulation'

censorship...just like the nazis

The forbidden skit: Full transcript and screenshots of SNL’s Soros/Sandler bailout satire
By Michelle Malkin • October 7, 2008 01:06 AM

NBC is furiously erasing its tracks. Any attempts to upload the f More..orbidden SNL bailout skit skewering George Soros and his left-wing subprime schemer friends Herbert and Marion Sandler will likely be squashed. So, I transcribed the whole comedy sketch for you and provided screenshots for the 7-minute video that has disappeared from NBC and Hulu. (Pat Dollard’s blog has posted the full clip on its server. Thanks to Ms. Underestimated for the .
wmv file)

The hits on the Sandlers ( “People who should be shot”) and Soros ( “Owner, Democratic Party”) occur near the end of the skit


Announcer: Next on C-SPAN, President Bush, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Barney Frank appeared earlier today at a joint press conference to comment on the financial bailout measure just passed by Congress

Bush: Good afternoon. On Friday, this Congress was able to put aside its differences and come together in the bipartisan spirit to pass legislation that was absolutely vital to ensure world confidence in our financial markets and prevent a collapse of credit which would have had a catastrophic effect on our economy. Approving this bill was the right thing to do and I commend our legislators for their actions.
Speaker Pelosi

Pelosi: Thank you, Mr. President. I, too, applaud Congress for this vote and add that without your vote, this bill might well have failed. Even though this crisis was 100 percent the fault of your administration and it’s insane economic policies. And though I’m sure you’ll agree, you will go down in history as our worst president ever.
This one time, you did manage to not screw things up and I wanna acknowledge that

Bush: Thank you, Madame Speaker.
I was glad to do it

Frank: Let me add, Mr.
President, I was also pleased to see that for the first time during your eight years in office and possibly your entire life, you were able to demonstrate leadership, not to mention simple human decency

Bush: You bet, you bet

Pelosi: Let’s not forget, Mr.
President, that it was the Democrats that first sounded the alarm about the risky mortgage loans that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were encouraging and that your party resisted all our efforts to rein them in

Bush: W-w-w-w-ait Wasn’t it my administration that warned about the problem six years ago? And it was the Democrats that refused to listen?!

Pelosi: What? Who told you that? That’s crazy.
It was completely the other way around

Frank: Actually.
This time, he’s sort of right

Pelosi: Shhh! Don’t say anything. He doesn’t know.
Now, there was another point we wanted to make here and you are welcome to stay

Bush: Thank you.
I’d like that

Pelosi: Back there would be better

Bush: No problem

Pelosi: In the past few weeks, this debate has focused on the wisdom of government intervention in the housing markets. What hasn’t been talked about is that behind every home foreclosure, there is a story of real suffering by real Americans. People who, but for the grace of God, could be you or your neighbors.
And today, we’d like to introduce you to some of them

Michael McCune and Jerome Gant, two ordinary Americans whose only crime was to play by the rules and who now find themselves facing eviction from their homes

Please tell us your story

Michael: Uh, well, to start. I still don’t understand how this happened to me. I mean, I fit all the requirements for a subprime mortgage.
Uh, no credit history

Jerome: Same here

Michael: No job

Jerome: Me neither

Michael: Minor criminal record

Jerome: Ditto

Michael: Dishonorable discharge from the Army

Jerome: Yeah, I got mine right here

Michael: Uh, drug problems

Jerome: Me, too

Michael: Uh, alcohol problems

Jerome: Guilty as charged

Michael: Gambling addiction

Jerome: Yeah

Michael: Pregnant girlfriend — actually, two pregnant girlfriends

Jerome: Just the one

Well, I was talked into a balloon mortgage. Where you move into the house. And then you get to live in it. And you don’t have to, like, pay money or anything to the bank.
But then later, you do

Jerome: Yeah, what up with dat?

Michael: I mean, you could say I’m a double victim, since I never had a job and now I don’t have a home!

Jerome: Well, I’m a triple victim, because now I’ve been charged with arson for allegedly setting fire to the house they evicted me from

Pelosi: You are both in our thoughts. (Hugs Michael.
Won’t hug Jerome)

This is Greg Phillips and his wife, Judy How did the housing collapse affect you?

My wife and I bought two dozen time-share condos which we heavily mortgaged in order to flip them 6 months later for triple the purchase price and then the real estate market tanked

Pelosi: And you were doing this through…

Judy: Misrepresentation

Pelosi: No, I meant, did you do this out of your home…

Judy: Out of greed

Greg: Yes, out of greed

Pelosi: And now, with the real estate market down, you’re stuck with two dozen time-share condos that you can’t sell…

Judy: Unless we can sell them for, like, 10 percent more than we paid

Pelosi: So, you can’t make your mortgage payments

Greg: Not without selling the boat.
Or putting off essential cosmetic surgery

Pelosi: And who is this? This is Crystal, our surrogate mother

Crystal: Waaaazup?

Judy: You see, I can’t have children…without getting bad stretch marks

Pelosi: You are also in our thoughts and prayers

This is Herbert and Marion Sandler.
Tell us your story

Herbert Sandler: My wife and I had a company which aggressively marketed subprime mortgages, and then bundled them into securities to sell to banks such as Wachovia.
Today, our portfolio is worth almost nothing — though at one point, it was worth close to $19 billion

Pelosi: My God. I am so sorry.
Were you able to sell it for anything

Herbert Sandler: Yes, for $24 billion

Pelosi: I see.
So in that sense, you’re not so to speak, actual victims

Herbert Sandler (chuckling): Oh, no.
That would be Wachovia Bank

Marion Sandler: Actually, we’ve done quite well.
We’re very happy

Herbert Sandler: We were sort of wondering why you asked us to come today

Marion Sandler: Anyway, it’s delightful to see you, Nancy.
(Kisses Pelosi)

Herbert Sandler: And thank you, Congressman Frank, as well as many Republicans for helping block
Congressional oversight of our corrupt activities

Frank: Not at all. Let me say something else here.
You know, many of you are probably wondering, “Where will that $700 billion missing from our economy go?” To help answer that, let me introduce our good friend, billionaire hedge fund manager, George Soros

Soros: So what became of zat $700 beellion dollars? Well, basically it belongs to me, now.
Actually, it’s not even dollars anymore, but Swiss franks, since I have taken a short position against the dollar

Bush: Oh, really.
That’s not good

Soros: You’re not to speak.
I don’t like you

Yes, uh, zee U.S. dollar will have to be devalued sometime next week. Either Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven’t decided wheech yet.
It will depend on how I feel

Frank: Thank you very much, Mr. Soros.
You’re a great man

Soros: Could I just add that even though you know what’s coming, you won’t be able to do anything about it

Pelosi: You’re a wise man, Mr. Soros.
And a powerful one

Frank: You are better than us

Soros (pointing to Anne Hathaway character): Your wife is physically attractive.
Sell her to me, please

Greg and Judy: Sure.

Announcer: We’ll now leave this press conference and join a discussion of Sen. McCain’s foreign policy positions already in progress. Gov.
Palin is about to say something embarrassing


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They get their BS from the same cow

RE: J.Howard (former Australian PM) & S.Harper (Canadian PM)

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ÐΔяŦн ßÏNk'$ ©
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 08:59

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: The Last Baboon
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 11:01 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Cam
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 14:28

John Howard is the former Australian Prime Minister and Stephen Harper is the current Canadian Prime Minister. Both are from the conservative side of politics in their respective countries.

This is a significant video which deserves to be spread far and wide.
Who writes their stuff ??

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: FeralMike *RNEM*
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 08:03 PM


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Norman
Date: Oct 7, 2008 7:56 AM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Scruffy: Enemy Combatant, VOTING THIRD PARTY
Date: Oct 7, 2008 6:35 AM

RE: Who is running the counties we live in?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Musicians Say, Bring Us Peace and Sustainability!
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 06:13

Good question ..;~))

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: viziondanz
Date: Oct 7, 2008 10:20 AM

who is running the counties we live in?

Who's in charge?
I was under the impression that Canada and Australia were sovereign countries.

I guess not.

This video shows the heads of both these states reading the same exact statement - word for word - supporting the invasion of Iraq.

Who wrote this thing?

Who distributed it?

Who compelled these obvious puppets to read it?

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RE: McCain's roll in Keating 5, Savings and Loan scandal

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: 911 Civilian Commission
Date: 07 Oct 2008, 10:49

Thanks to: Rainb☼♪angles
Date: Oct 7, 2008 9:00 AM


History is repeating pretty rapidly these days. In case you didn't know, McCain got away with bailing out the bankers once before when many of you were babies.

If you haven't met, let me introduce you to Charles Keating.

Thanks To:

Charles Keating and John McCain Exposed

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RE: Powerful Powerlessness

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Dalibor
Date: 05 Oct 2008, 06:15

http://www. megavideo. com/?v=QOKWJBE5

power of thought is incredible

majority of people are drawn to the negative = wake up

see Science of getting rich video

see Secret which is based on it



RE: Larry King Interview, 1974 Jacque Fresco from Zeitgeist 2

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Tony ॐ
Date: 06 Oct 2008, 09:36

Thanks ~ Felipe 2012
Date: Oct 5, 2008 10:00 PM

32 years ago, Jacque Fresco was interviewed
by Larry King when his show was local in Miami, Florida.

Here is an excerpt from that show.

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=RVOPkGAtt48

http://www. thevenusproject. com/

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