Friday, July 18, 2008

RE: It's Time for Some Campaignin' (Funny & True)

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Leo Krayola
Date: Jul 18, 2008 4:08 AM

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=adc3MSS5Ydc

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----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Shane (Infoseekr)
Date: Jul 18, 2008 9:06 AM

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RE: © Where do you stand... a Warrior or a Fool?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Warrior, Dreamer, Shaman...~John B~
Date: Jul 18, 2008 5:03 AM

© Bulletin By... Warrior, Dreamer, Shaman...~John B.~


e-cards24.jpg Paulo Coelho Quotes Alchemist Santiago warrior of light Inspiration image by samurai7_2007

Our country is in turmoil...
police state

The World is in turmoil...
oil fires

Children are starving...

While major corporations are thriving...
microsoft-logo.jpg Microsoft image by Second2None_
shell_logo.gif shell logo image by parghoWeb 2.0 Corporate Logos25thumbnail.gif Web 2.0 Corporate Logos image by hitnews28thumbnail.gif Web 2.0 Corporate Logos image by hitnewsmobil.gif mobil image by urgentrevoltLOGO.jpg Wal-Mart image by beautifulGEEKStarbucks-Mini-Logo.jpg starbucks image by jogagirllogo_pepsi.gif Pepsi Logo image by satan_0

Oil companies are completely immoral...

Corporate greed is killing millions...

Police are using military weapons & tactics...
Gun Rack

Police Brutality Is At An All Time High...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Police Are Out Of Control...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The American government is subsidizing the
growth of corn for "Ethynol", and have cut all
subsidizing for corn and wheat for food...
Hungry Children

Genetically Engineered foods and Cloned Animals for human consumption?
Five little piggies

Governments lie for power and control,
not caring how many civilians will die...
united nations

Or how many children will die...
asds.jpg To all humanitarian conscience image by modymix

Corporations are now more powerful
than the worlds governments combined...
Smoke Stacks

Many world leaders are creating this by
being corporate owners and supporters...
bilderberg.jpg Club Bilderberg image by airborne373

In Darfur there is ethnic cleansing...
Save Darfur

In China, Tibetans are being murdered...

In Iraq, our own military personnel are
raping and killing innocent civilians...

Surveillance is our new American pass time...
survailance.gif surveillance image by kalvo123

Cameras are everywhere...
e28ca365.jpg Counter Surveillance image by JustSoICanPost

Except in government offices where the
real crimes occur...

The CIA has been running drugs for years
with the Columbian drug cartel to fund the
covert operations behind their secret and
dirty agendas...
cia.jpg CIA image by hughesgp

All the major media sources are now owned
by government agencies and the most
powerful corporations in the world...
General Electric, TimeWarner, Walt Disney,
News Corp, CBS, Viacom
cbs_logo-thumb.jpg CBS image by backslash-photosfox.jpg FOX News Logo image by jbezey180px-General_Electric_Logo_001.png GE image by kibbles22c

New "Free Speech Zones" In America...

7a6c4c26.jpg free speech? image by dezy_faye

Free Speech Zones...
Are you fucking Seriuos?

free-speech-2.jpg free speech image by WNS83

United Nations continues to ignore all of
the world crisis issues... like world hunger...
displacement, misuse, and abuse of power...
as well as mass murder by governments...
United Nations

Why do we even have a United Nations?
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HAARP is sending out over a billion watts of energy into the atmosphere, destroying the balance of nature, and causing severe weather and earth conditions...

If the weather modification angle is too conspiratorial for you, how do we explain past congressional legislation S 517, which was introduced on March 3, 2005 by Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison? This bill, which was voted on (and shot down) in October, 2005, is specifically entitled The Weather Modification and Research Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005...

Haven't you had enough?

Where as a culture are we going?

paulo-coelho-quote-14.jpg Paulo Coelho Quotes Alchemist Santiago warrior of light Inspiration image by samurai7_2007

They are coming for us...

The signs are clear friends, we are now heading into the age of corporatism and globalism... We can disagree on why things are moving the ways they are, but we cannot argue that the world is heading into deep deep troubles for humanity...

The European countries all lost their sovereignty to the European Union... we here in North America are about to experience the same... all of this as we are entering a world food crisis and the breakdown of the American economy. We are all but guaranteed a period of Martial Law, a new form of currency, unity with Canada and Mexico, and the shredding of what is left of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution...

Life as we know it will cease to exist and we are afforded a new set of rules. You can be angry, you can piss and moan all you want, but this is what we have created by being inactive in our politics. You and I have both created this, and it is what we have... So what can we do? From here, where do we go?

Some will turn to militia, some will take up arms and die while fighting against the New World Order. For those who do, there is a value. Some will use a different tactic and attempt to weather the storm by being prepared and helping others learn how to prepare, for them this tactic also has value. And then there will be those who will run around in crisis. For them, there will be no value in their tactic...

So... I believe all tacts are worth reviewing and examining... and that there are tacts that would be best abandoned... I believe the one thing we all need to do, is to be clear on where we stand... and to be prepared...

There will be a place for resistance and revolutionaries, there will be a place for peacemakers, and healers as well. There will be a place for those who will comfort the elders and the children. There will be no good place for those who will be unprepared and run around acting foolish, creating all the wrong kind of attention in the wrong direction...

We are now at war with the major corporations, and make no mistake friends, we are being called to battle, all of us... it is your choice where you will serve. Only will the ignorant and selfish man chose to not be of some service, in some capacity...

Figure out where you stand, figure out what you need to do in order to be prepared, and do that... your brothers and sisters are counting on you to help them in battle...

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Meditate on what it is that you bring to make this unraveling world safer and better for those you love. Make the choice to know who you are in these times of deep cultural disturbance and turbulence... find your place... know your strengths...

What type of "Warrior" will you chose to be?

A Warrior of Battle?

A Warrior of Spirit?

A Warrior of Peace?
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What type of fool will you choose to be...
... of course, the choice is yours...

You see... the times they are a changing...

"We must learn to live together as brothers
...or we shall perish together as fools"
(~Dr Martin Luther King Jr~)

paulo-coelho-quote-10.jpg Paulo Coelho Quotes Alchemist Santiago warrior of light Inspiration image by samurai7_2007

Warriors of the Light... Join me, you are needed...

~Please note~
Much labor and love go into the making of bulletins...
Please do not alter or add to, and please allow the credits to the author to remain intact~

~Thank you~

© Bulletin By...

Warrior, Dreamer, Shaman

~John B~

Bringing the hard core truth since 1962!
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