Sunday, September 14, 2008

Watch out Hanoi Jane, it's "SongBird" McCain

RE: Al Jazeera questions McCains POW story [9-4-08]

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Tony ॐ
Date: 04 Sep 2008, 17:09

Thanks ~ Very Rev CannaCan Divinorum Phalaris Ni4D. US
Date: Sep 4, 2008 3:57 PM

Fair or Despicable... you decide

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=WFncc3QqZB8

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RE: Gustav=Scalar Storm

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From: A-Bomb
Date: 14 Sep 2008, 08:58

Gustav=Scalar Storm
Katrina was an inside job

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: RealitY
Date: Sep 14, 2008 5:41 AM

Mother Earth is not in Control of Herself...Ike even Strengthened when is hit land...That is NOT NATURAL!!!


Date: 13 Sep 2008, 23:12






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RE: why we're screwed...

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Date: 04 Sep 2008, 14:31

RE: why we're screwed...

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From: miki
Date: 04 Sep 2008, 12:49

From: Orwellian Bob
Date: Sep 4, 2008 12:31 PM

In one word: Stupidity...

Subsidized, encouraged all prevalent stupidity.

It will be The Death of us all.



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RE: Democracy Now's Amy Goodman -Why We Were Falsely Arrested

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From: JERM
Date: 04 Sep 2008, 13:49

This part of the Thom Hartmann interview is not included on the You Tubes....but is well worth a listen.



Date: Sep 4, 2008 12:17 PM

Democracy Now's Amy Goodman -Why We Were Falsely Arrested

democracy now

help drop the charges against Amy Goodman and colleagues

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From: juan
Date: Sep 4, 2008 1:01 PM

Why We Were Falsely Arrested

Amy Goodman
September 4, 2008

St. Paul, Minnesota - Government crackdowns on journalists are a true threat to democracy. As the Republican National Convention meets in St. Paul, Minn., this week, police are systematically targeting journalists. I was arrested with my two colleagues, “Democracy Now!” producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, while reporting on the first day of the RNC. I have been wrongly charged with a misdemeanor. My co-workers, who were simply reporting, may be charged with felony riot.

The Democratic and Republican national conventions have become very expensive and protracted acts of political theater, essentially four-day-long advertisements for the major presidential candidates. Outside the fences, they have become major gatherings for grass-roots movements-for people to come, amidst the banners, bunting, flags and confetti, to express the rights enumerated in the Constitution’s First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Behind all the patriotic hyperbole that accompanies the conventions, and the thousands of journalists and media workers who arrive to cover the staged events, there are serious violations of the basic right of freedom of the press. Here on the streets of St. Paul, the press is free to report on the official proceedings of the RNC, but not to report on the police violence and mass arrests directed at those who have come to petition their government, to protest.

It was Labor Day, and there was an anti-war march, with a huge turnout, with local families, students, veterans and people from around the country gathered to oppose the war. The protesters greatly outnumbered the Republican delegates.

There was a positive, festive feeling, coupled with a growing anxiety about the course that Hurricane Gustav was taking, and whether New Orleans would be devastated anew. Later in the day, there was a splinter march. The police-clad in full body armor, with helmets, face shields, batons and canisters of pepper spray-charged. They forced marchers, onlookers and working journalists into a nearby parking lot, then surrounded the people and began handcuffing them.

Nicole was videotaping. Her tape of her own violent arrest is chilling. Police in riot gear charged her, yelling, “Get down on your face.” You hear her voice, clearly and repeatedly announcing “Press! Press! Where are we supposed to go?” She was trapped between parked cars. The camera drops to the pavement amidst Nicole’s screams of pain. Her face was smashed into the pavement, and she was bleeding from the nose, with the heavy officer with a boot or knee on her back. Another officer was pulling on her leg. Sharif was thrown up against the wall and kicked in the chest, and he was bleeding from his arm.

I was at the Xcel Center on the convention floor, interviewing delegates. I had just made it to the Minnesota delegation when I got a call on my cell phone with news that Sharif and Nicole were being bloody arrested, in every sense. Filmmaker Rick Rowley of Big Noise Films and I raced on foot to the scene. Out of breath, we arrived at the parking lot. I went up to the line of riot police and asked to speak to a commanding officer, saying that they had arrested accredited journalists.

Within seconds, they grabbed me, pulled me behind the police line and forcibly twisted my arms behind my back and handcuffed me, the rigid plastic cuffs digging into my wrists. I saw Sharif, his arm bloody, his credentials hanging from his neck. I repeated we were accredited journalists, whereupon a Secret Service agent came over and ripped my convention credential from my neck. I was taken to the St. Paul police garage where cages were set up for protesters. I was charged with obstruction of a peace officer. Nicole and Sharif were taken to jail, facing riot charges.

The attack on and arrest of me and the “Democracy Now!” producers was not an isolated event. A video group called I-Witness Video was raided two days earlier. Another video documentary group, the Glass Bead Collective, was detained, with its computers and video cameras confiscated. On Wednesday, I-Witness Video was again raided, forced out of its office location. When I asked St. Paul Police Chief John Harrington how reporters are to operate in this atmosphere, he suggested, “By embedding reporters in our mobile field force.

On Monday night, hours after we were arrested, after much public outcry, Nicole, Sharif and I were released. That was our Labor Day. It’s all in a day’s work.

http://www. infowars. com/?p=4329

MN RNC 8 Could Get 7 1/2 Year Prison Terms

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Soothe is READY
Date: Sep 4, 2008 12:41 PM

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From: Jim
Date: 04 Sep 2008, 17:38

From: Zeke Loftin
From: Patricia
From: Rainb☼♪angles
Date: Sep 4, 2008 11:04 AM


MUCH Respect To:

The Man Common

RNC 8 Charged with "Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism"

Go To Original

In what appears to be the first use of criminal charges under the 2002 Minnesota version of the Federal Patriot Act, Ramsey County Prosecutors have formally charged 8 alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism. Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty.

Affidavits released by law enforcement which were filed in support of the search warrants used in raids over the weekend, and used to support probable cause for the arrest warrants, are based on paid, confidential informants who infiltrated the RNCWC on behalf of law enforcement. They allege that members of the group sought to kidnap delegates to the RNC, assault police officers with firebombs and explosives, and sabotage airports in St. Paul. Evidence released to date does not corroborate these allegations with physical evidence or provide any other evidence for these allegations than the claims of the informants. Based on past abuses of such informants by law enforcement, the National Lawyers Guild is concerned that such police informants have incentives to lie and exaggerate threats of violence and to also act as provacateurs in raising and urging support for acts of violence.

"These charges are an effort to equate publicly stated plans to blockade traffic and disrupt the RNC as being the same as acts of terrorism. This both trivializes real violence and attempts to place the stated political views of the Defendants on trial," said Bruce Nestor, President of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. "The charges represent an abuse of the criminal justice system and seek to intimidate any person organizing large scale public demonstrations potentially involving civil disobedience, he said.

The criminal complaints filed by the Ramsey County Attorney do not allege that any of the defendants personally have engaged in any act of violence or damage to property. The complaints list all of alleged violations of law during the last few days of the RNC -- other than violations of human rights carried out by law enforcement -- and seeks to hold the 8 defendants responsible for acts committed by other individuals. None of the defendants have any prior criminal history involving acts of violence. Searches conducted in connection with the raids failed to turn up any physical evidence to support the allegations of organized attacks on law enforcement. Although claiming probable cause to believe that gunpowder, acids, and assembled incendiary devices would be found, no such items were seized by police. As a result, police sought to claim that the seizure of common household items such as glass bottles, charcoal lighter, nails, a rusty machete, and two hatchets, supported the allegations of the confidential informants. "Police found what they claim was a single plastic shield, a rusty machete, and two hatchets used in Minnesota to split wood. This doesn't amount to evidence of an organized insurrection, particularly when over 3,500 police are present in the Twin Cities, armed with assault rifles, concussion grenades, chemical weapons and full riot gear," said Nestor. In addition, the National Lawyers Guild has previously pointed out how law enforcement has fabricated evidence such as the claims that urine was seized which demonstrators intended to throw at police.

The last time such charges were brought under Minnesota law was in 1918, when Matt Moilen and others organizing labor unions for the Industrial Workers of the World [ed. correction-TCIMC] on the Iron Range were charged with "criminal syndicalism." The convictions, based on allegations that workers had advocated or taught acts of violence, including acts only damaging to property, were upheld by the Minnesota Supreme Court. In the light of history, these convictions are widely seen as unjust and a product of political trials. The National Lawyers Guild condemns the charges filed in this case against the above 8 defendants and urges the Ramsey County Attorney to drop all charges of conspiracy in this matter.

Bruce Nestor, President
Minnesota Chapter of National Lawyers Guild

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RE: Keith Olberman fired-fuckin bs media!!

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Date: 14 Sep 2008, 09:08

you know where to spam next!
MSNBC made a big mistake
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From: ※ Stacie ※
Date: Sep 14, 2008 7:41 AM

well, it was only a matter of time. Keith was the ONLY person in national news media to tell it like it is, I am offended by this bullshit.


keith oberman FIRED !
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From: ThISForbiddenMedia
Date: Sep 14, 2008 4:43 AM

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From: ThISForbiddenMedia
Date: Sep 13, 2008 11:27 AM

i was unaware of this... Fuk thats bad news man!!

he was the last bastion of truth in the mainstream media..

and as such i suppose, it woz only a matter of time before they shut him up!


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Youngster SGV
Date: Sep 13, 2008 6:35 AM

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