Sunday, April 29, 2007

RE: Is fluoride poisoning us?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Ascension 2012
Date: Apr 29, 2007 10:44 AM

I added a few articles at the end.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: KAscendant
Date: 29 Apr 2007, 06:52

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: JR
Date: Apr 29, 2007 1:03 AM

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From: ♥Angela♥
Date: Apr 25, 2007 7:53 PM

Thanks: R4ND0mLI9HT

Vague thanx




By James Donahue

I was a child when fluoride, a by-produce from the manufacture of atomic bombs, was first introduced to the American people.

Nobody told us where fluoride came from. All we knew is that it was a newly discovered chemical that would make our teeth extra hard and ward off cavities. When a free fluoride clinic was set up one summer in our school, all the kids in town lined up to have the bitter tasting stuff rubbed on their teeth.

We were pretty gullible in those days. The period immediately following World War II was a time of scientific advancement. After the inventions of nylon, rayon, plastic and other marvelous products that replaced fabrics, rubber and steel during the war years, people were lulled into the belief that those balding men in white laboratory jackets could solve all of the problems of the world. The belief was so strong that we blindly accepted whatever a "scientist" told us. Nobody dreamed that we might be victims of fraud.

My father was part of the magic. He worked as a chemical engineer for a factory that made a variety of products out of wheat and corn starch (including the brain-killing excitotoxin monosodium glutamate). He provided well and I consequently made regular visits to a dentist every summer. I knew well the agony of the dentist drill. It was nothing like the advanced water-cooled high-speed equipment used by modern dentists. Repairing a cavity doomed us to what seemed like hours of white-knuckle torture under the glaring lights of the dental chair, while a man with plastic rimmed glasses and bad breath bored his way through teeth (and bone?). Once the drilling was done, the dentist filled the hole he made with a hot metallic material that burned when it went in, and left a bad taste in your mouth.

We had a mom-and-pop grocery store in our neighborhood where kids could buy penny candy and a package of gum for a nickel. I made a lot of visits to that candy store.

Even though my mother made sure that I brushed my teeth daily, somehow I don't remember linking the candy I was eating to all of the cavities. When fluoride was introduced, it seemed like a child's dream come true.

I was disappointed, of course. I had just as many cavities in my teeth the following year.

When they started dumping fluoride in the local water supply, and adding it to the ingredients in our toothpaste, I thought that would surely solve my problem. It seemed reasonable to think that I didn't get a heavy enough dose of fluoride when I attended the free clinic. After all, if a little bit of fluoride was good for my teeth, it made sense that a lot more fluoride would be even better.

But alas, after years of drinking, scrubbing and consuming fluoride-laced products, we now learn that we've been scammed. This chemical is found to be totally ineffective in preventing tooth decay. Not only that, it seems to be directly linked to a variety of medical problems ranging from discolored teeth to bone disease and cancer.

In short, fluoride is a poison.

This is not news to the medical world. The Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine have both reported greater incidence of hip fractures in fluoridated areas. The National Institute of Environmental and Health Services has linked fluoridation with cancer.

A book by Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, titled "Fluoride, The Aging Factor," shows that the drug causes a premature aging process. He notes that in areas where fluoride is consumed in the drinking water, there are higher rates of bone disorders (skeletal fluorosis, osteoporosis and arthritic pain) and people suffer from brown decaying teeth.

"Fluoride is a poison!" Yiamouyiannis warns." The 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products lists fluoride as more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It has been used as a pesticide for mice, rats and other small pests. A 10-pound infant could be killed by 1/100 of an ounce and a 100-pound adult could be killed by 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride. The Akron Regional Poison Center indicates that a 7-ounce tube of toothpaste contains 199 mg. of fluoride, more than enough to kill a 25-pound child."

Yiamouyiannis writes that the acceleration of the aging process by fluoride occurs at the bio-chemical level by causing enzyme inhibition, collagen breakdown, genetic damage and disruption of the immune system.

"Fluoride interacts with the bonds which maintain the normal shape of proteins," he continues. "With distorted protein, the immune system attacks it's own protein, the body's own tissue." The visual and physical effects from prolonged exposure to fluoride include nausea, bloody vomit, faintness, stomach cramps, tremors, constipation, aching bones, stiffness, skin rash, weight loss and brown or black discoloration of the teeth.

The horror in this story is that fluoride was known as a deadly poison from the start. But if this was true, why would the U. S. government promote the sale of it to its own people, and later people all over the world? Would you believe the answer to this question is money?

There is compelling evidence that the program of water fluoridation began as a massive effort to cover up bad publicity from one of the most toxic materials to emerge from the government's secret nuclear weapons program. The idea was that if fluoride could be presented to the country as beneficial, then no one could sue the government for being harmed by it.

An article by Dr. Jackie Alan Giuliano in "Healing Our World" noted that reporters Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson discovered the truth about fluoride while researching hundreds of declassified documents about the Manhattan Project, America's secret atomic bomb development program.

They found that fluoride as a key chemical in atomic bomb production. Millions of tons were used during the Cold War period to manufacture high-grade uranium and plutonium.

"Fluoride was the top chemical hazard of the U.S. nuclear weapons program, not only for workers, but for those living in nearby communities as well," Giuliano wrote.

"The documents show that the first U.S. lawsuits levied against the atomic weapons program were over fluoride poisoning, not radiation damage. The documents reveal that the U.S. government secretly ordered atomic bomb scientists to create "evidence useful in litigation" against defense contractors who were being accused of injuring citizens with fluoride."

This secret work to head-off government lawsuits lead to a multi-billion dollar industry that has been poisoning our water supplies, our toothpaste, and our bodies ever since. Believe this or not, fluoride tablets are even available for children.

To escape the harmful effects of fluoride, Yiamouyiannis suggests that you seek non-fluoride toothpaste (but you may have to go to health stores to find it), and drink bottled water. Even using tap water to cook may expose you to fluoride.

Now that the truth about fluoride is out, why haven't towns and toothpaste companies stopped dumping this terrible poison in our water and toothpaste supplies? Don't expect that to happen. Remember, I said this is a multi-billion dollar industry. Nobody shuts down a money machine like that without a fight.

(Visit the author's web site at

Important Update: Harvard Links Fluoride To Cancer!

By Jessica Fargen
Thursday, April 6, 2006

Young boys who drink fluoridated tap water are at greater risk for a rare bone cancer, Harvard researchers reported yesterday.

The study, published online yesterday in a Harvard-affiliated journal, could intensify debate over fluoridation and mean more scrutiny for Harvard's Dr. Chester Douglass, accused of fudging the findings to downplay a cancer link.

"It's the best piece of work ever linking fluoride in tap water and bone cancer. It's pretty damning for (Douglass)," said Richard Wiles of the Environmental Working Group, which filed a complaint with the National Institutes of Health against Douglass.

Douglass, an epidemiology professor at Harvard's School of Dental Medicine, is paid as editor of the Colgate Oral Care Report, a newsletter supported by the toothpaste maker.

Harvard and the NIH are investigating whether Douglass misrepresented research findings last year when he said there was no link, despite extensive research to the contrary by one of his doctoral students. The NIH gave Douglass at least $1 million for the research.

That student, Dr. Elise Bassin, wrote in yesterday's Cancer Causes and Control that boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidlines are five times more likely to develop osteosarcoma than boys who drink unfluoridated water. About 250 U.S. boys each year are diagnosed with osteosarcoma, the most common type of bone cancer and the sixth most common cancer in children. Bassin notes that more research is needed to "confirm or refute this observation."

Douglass, in a letter to the editor published in the same issue, said Bassin¹s study was a ³partial view of this ongoing study,² and urged readers to be ³especially cautious² when interpreting the findings.

You may also want to read SV-40: The Deadly Cure.

Fluoride: The dumbing-down of a generation

New studies from China show that an excessive intake of fluoride can accumulate in the brain, permanently reducing a child’s intelligence.

Two suburban villages in Shanxi Province in China are very much alike - except for the level of calcium fluoride in their water supply.

Xinghua’s water contains 0.91 parts per million (ppm; equal to mg/L) of fluoride, and 14 per cent of the population have dental fluorosis - mottling, softening, and increased porosity and brittleness of tooth enamel - but no cases of bone fluorosis. In contrast, Sima has fluoride levels four times higher than its neighbour, or 4.12 ppm. In this town, 86 per cent show clear evidence of dental fluorosis, and 9 per cent have clinically diagnosed skeletal fluorosis (Fluoride, 1996; 29: 190-2).

In each village, 160 randomly selected children (excluding those with congenital or acquired diseases not related to fluoride) took a standard IQ test lasting 40 minutes. Each child’s mother had lived in the study village during pregnancy.

The two studies came to extra-ordinary and identical conclusions: exposure to high fluoride lowers intelligence, as measured by IQ test scores (Chin J Control Endem Dis Suppl, 1991).

The mean IQ in high-fluoride Sima was 97.7 whereas, in lower-fluoride Xinghua, it was 105.2 - 7.5 points or 7.7 per cent higher, a statistically significant difference (Fluoride, 1996; 29: 190-2).

Indeed, the entire range of IQs was lower in high-fluoride Sima, giving that village’s bell-shaped IQ curve a distinctly flattened shape (Alive Can J Health Nutr, 1998; 191: 67-8).

Among the 160 children selected for the study, the number of children from Sima with IQs of 69 or below was six times that of those in lower-fluoride Xinghua, and 26 per cent fewer children in Sima had IQ scores of 120 or above (Chung Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih, 1994; 5: 296-8).

A separate Chinese study looked at the IQs of 907 children aged 8-13 years from four areas of Guizhou Province (Chung Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih, 1994; 5: 296-8). This study compared the degree of fluorosis in the population, rather than the fluoride content of the water. In some areas, fluorosis was worsened by inhalation of fluoride-containing soot from China’s low-quality coal.

The maximum IQ among the low-fluorosis students was 140, a good score. However, in students with moderate-to-severe fluorosis, the maximum IQ scores were only 110.

The very large difference in mean IQ scores between the high- and low-fluorosis areas appears to be caused in part by exposure to lead as well as fluoride. Another study in a coal-burning area found that excessive fluoride lowered mental work capacity and zinc content of the blood (Hua His I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 1994; 25: 188-91).

How fluoride harms IQ How does high fluoride reduce a child’s intelligence? Sadly, many of our early clues are from animal studies, which may not apply to humans. Those laboratory studies that we do have strongly suggest that fluoride causes motor dysfunction, IQ deficits and/or learning disabilities, and a generalised pattern of disruptive behaviour. Phyllis Mullenix, PhD, then head of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center, Boston, carried out major studies in the early 1990s (Neurotoxicol Teratol, 1995; 17: 169-77).

In her tests on rats, the results indicated that fluoride is a powerful central nervous system toxin (Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 1987; 27: 559-64).

[WDDTY is opposed to animal studies, but we cite these here because of the tendency of pro-fluoridationists to quote studies using rats. This is because of their supposed far higher resistance to toxins than other species. Rats also lack a vomit reflex (Section 2, Health effects: Comparative toxicokinetics, Abstracts from USPHS [Public Health Service] Toxicological Profile on Fluorides, p 16). In other words, rat studies are used to show that fluoride is harmless.]

Before Mullenix, no one had ever considered - much less studied - the subtle effects of fluoride exposure on the developing brain. At the time, she was unaware of the ongoing tests in China.

Although rats are supposed to resist fluoride (which ironically started life as a rat poison), Mullenix’s tests showed that exposure prenatally, as weanlings or adults caused subtle, but real, sex- and dose-specific behavioural deficits with a common pattern. The fluoride accumulating in important regions of the rat brain, especially the hippocampus, increased the more fluoridated water they drank.

The hippocampus is considered to be the central processor which integrates input from the environment, memory and motivational stimuli to produce behavioural decisions and modify memory.

It appears that fluoride accumulates in brain tissue, and younger animals and people are more vulnerable than older ones (Neurotoxicol Teratol, 1995; 17: 169-77). We also know that children excrete fluoride less efficiently than adults and so retain more of it (Aust Trad Med Soc Newslett, 1993/94; Summer). In these studies, researchers discovered that fluoride caused behavioural problems not unlike hyperactivity as well as learning deficits (Neurotoxicol Teratol, 1995; 17: 169-77). What was also surprising is how little exposure was needed before subtle brain damage was seen. Also, the brain effects were measurable at a lower level of exposure than that required to damage bones.

The researchers also discovered subtle differences between the sexes in the timing of exposure required to cause damage. Males were most sensitive to prenatal exposure while females were more likely to be damaged if exposed as weaned babies or as adults.

The behavioural problems were also different, depending on time of exposure. Rats exposed prenatally tended to be hyperactive whereas those exposed as young rats or adults tended to have cognitive (mental-processing) deficits.

The level of exposure required to cause damage, and the apparent differences between male and female tolerances to exposure corresponded to those found in other studies of hippocampal brain damage.

Although animal studies don’t necessarily apply to humans, they provide important clues concerning the damage wreaked by fluoride in the Chinese towns. Fluoride blood levels in this rat model (0.059-0.640 ppm) were similar to those reported in children one hour after receiving topical fluoride treatment of their teeth.

A few mechanisms have been suggested as to how fluoride affects brain function. These include influencing calcium currents, altering enzyme structure, inhibiting brain hormone activity and increasing phosphoinositide (needed for cell and calcium activation) breakdown (Fluoride, 1996; 29: 187). In guinea pigs, which like primates, including humans, cannot synthesise their own vitamin C, intracellular fluoride alters calcium currents from hippocampal neurons (J Neurosci, 1986; 6: 2915).

The fluoride ion also affects amide binding such as occur in proteins. This may explain how fluoride is able to disrupt key sites in biological systems (J Am Chem Soc, 1981; 103: 24-8; Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 1994; 9: 79-82).

Another study found that fluoride binding induced significant disorders in the structure of the cytochrome-c peroxidase enzyme (Chem Eng News, 1988; Aug 1: 26-42). Indeed, over 100 enzymes are affected by fluoride binding to enzyme cofactors such as magnesium, manganese and phosphate, thus preventing the appropriate coenzyme from activating its enzyme (Lee L, The Enzyme Cure, Tiburon, CA: Future Medicine Publishing, 1998; p 211).

Fluoride from any type of exposure destroys 66 out of 83 known enzymes (Judd GF, Good Teeth Birth to Death, Glendale, AR: Research Publications, 1997; pp 19, 53). Fluoride attacks enzymes at their weakest links - hydrogen bonds surrounding the active site. For every enzyme inhibited or destroyed, a major metabolic function is stopped, as they are required in every bodily process.

Prenatal exposure The human nervous system develops throughout gestation and in the early postnatal period; higher cognitive functions develop toward the end of gestation, when brain nerve cells become differentiated and brain development is particularly rapid, and soon after delivery. Slowly and with some difficulty, fluoride penetrates the fetal blood-brain barrier (Fluoride, 1986; 19: 108-12; Chin J Epidemiol, 1993; 2: 97-8) to accumulate in the brain tissue (Chin J Control Epidem Dis, 1989; 4: 136-7).

The draconian Chinese one-child-per-family rule has given us more evidence of the deadly effects of fluoride on the developing fetal brain. China has persisted with abortions in families who already have one child. In those areas with elevated fluoride and fluorosis due to coal-burning, fluoride has been found in brain tissue obtained from aborted embryos. Stereological and ultramicroscopy studies of this developing brain tissue show poor differentiation of brain nerve cells and delayed brain development (J Fluoros Res Commun, 1991; 138 [in Chinese]).

One of the dangers of fluoride is that this damage to a developing fetus occurs with levels far lower that those considered dangerous to adults. Fluoride effects on intelligence in utero occur at levels not toxic to the mother. In one study, fluoride concentration was higher in a typical mother’s placenta than in her blood (Gedalia et al., 1961; Abstracts from USPHS Toxicological Profile on Fluorides). Umbilical cord levels do not accurately reflect fetal fluoride status, suggesting that the placenta somehow isolates the fluoride as an innate protective measure (J Perinat Med, 1995; 23: 279-82). Eventually, however, enough fluoride crosses the placenta and reduces the available fluoride-binding sites in the newborn (Pediatrics, 1975; 55: 517-22).

The US Public Health Service reported in 1991 that millions of women in 'optimally' fluoridated cities ingest from all sources - and expose their embryos and fetuses to - as much as 6.6 mg of fluoride per day (US PHS, Review of Fluoride Benefits and Risks, 1991). While the women themselves may not have symptoms or problems, such levels could be deadly to the brain of their developing babies.

Damage as adults Do IQs drop still lower if high exposure to fluoride continues? Studies do not answer this directly, but there is some evidence that continued exposure does worsen mental problems.

High fluoride exposure appears to weaken mental function in a dose-related manner in adults as well as in children. Declassified 1944 documents show that one year before USPHS epidemiological ‘testing’ of fluoridation was to start in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Newburgh, New York, the military/industrial complex had already acquired evidence that fluorides affect memory and cognitive skills.

The Manhattan Uranium Project concluded: 'Clinical evidence suggests . .. . mental confusion, drowsiness and lassitude as the conspicuous features. It seems most likely that the fluoride component is the causative factor' (US Medical Corps document, 4/29/44). Much of the evidence of adverse fluoride effects was censored out of the document, and later, related documents are ‘missing’ or have been made to disappear by the US government (Griffiths J, Bryson C, Fluoride, teeth and the atomic bomb, Waste Not, 1997; Sept: 1-8).

Researcher Dr Bruce Spittle has cited examples of fluoride affecting adult mental function (Int Clin Psychopharmacol J, 1994; 9: 79-82). As he concluded: 'The late George L. Waldbott, MD, in 1979 studied 23 persons living within three miles of an enamel factory that emitted hydrogen fluoride into the air. Symptoms included a distinct decline in mental acuity, poorer memory, inability to coordinate thoughts and reduced ability to write. Those living further away from the factory were less affected and had lower urinary fluoride' (Vet Hum Toxicol, 1979; 21: 4-8).

In 1981 after a fluoride overfeed to the water of Annapolis, Maryland, Waldbott wrote: 'Six [out of 112 who suffered ill effects] reported deterioration of their mental acuity, lethargy, loss of memory . . .' (Clin Toxicol, 1981; 18: 537-49).

In another study of 60 aluminium smelter workers, 97 per cent had skeletal fluorosis and 22 per cent had psychiatric disturbances, including depression, mental sluggishness and forgetfulness (Fluoride, 1977; 10: 12-6).

In other studies by Waldbott and colleagues, psychiatric symptoms such as lethargy, memory impairment, and difficulties with concentration and thinking, began after fluoride exposure. This usually occurred with fluoridated drinking water, though three cases involved industrial exposure.

Dr Spittle concludes, 'There is suggestive rather than definitive evidence that chronic toxicity affecting cerebral functioning can follow exposure to fluoride' (Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 1994; 9: 79-82).

In light of the findings in China, however, the conclusions are moving toward certainty, and fluoride damage to intelligence may be worse in the UK and US than in China. Millions of embryos and infants receive daily fluoride at doses known to cause crippling skeletal fluorosis in adults (US PHS, Review of Fluoride Benefits and Risks, 1991).

Furthermore, fluoride intake may increase two- to fourfold or more during hard physical work in a hot climate - and even more if the water used in cooking and in beverages is also fluoridated. About 3 per cent of the US population drinks at least four litres of water a day, and more where the climate is hotter.

Boiling water evaporates chlorine while concentrating fluoride. If the water contains 4 ppm of fluoride, a person may ingest 16 mg of fluoride a day or more, in addition to the fluoride from other sources like toothpaste, food and air - enough to produce crippling skeletal fluorosis within a few years.

China is sensibly protecting the intelligence of its unborn children by defluoridating its water supply (J Orthomolec Med, 1993; 8: 149-53). We can all learn from their example.

This was adapted from material for an article that first appeared in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.


Researcher Doris Jones has unearthed startling new evidence demonstrating that fluoride interferes with enzyme systems, damaging many organ systems of the body.

The fluoride issue, a perennial hot potato, is heating up once again. In Britain, the government has recently announced its intention to fluoridate the water of deprived inner city areas, supposedly to improve the dental health of children living there. Later, water fluoridation may be introduced nationwide. A White Paper outlining the government's plans is scheduled for this spring.

The government and the dental profession have convinced the public that fluoridated water offers nothing but benefits that there is overwhelming evidence that it prevents tooth decay and contributes to the strength of bones. There is tacit admission in the pro fluoride camp that fluoride can also cause harm, but only at high levels: more than 2 ppm in water may cause mottled teeth and over 8 ppm may lead to bone disorders and degenerative changes in the vital organs.

A few lone voices have countered the prevailing view, with published evidence that fluoride can have devastating effects, causing mottled teeth and osteoporosis at very low levels. While much has been written about the effects of too much fluoride on teeth and bones, little is known about the effects of fluoride on the rest of the body.

But new evidence has emerged demonstrating that it can have devastating effects on just about every organ in the body, and may even be partly responsible for behavioural problems like hyperactivity and many puzzling illnesses like ME.

Like mercury, fluoride isn't exactly an obvious choice for dental health as it is a poison more poisonous than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic (Clin Toxicol Commerc Prod, 1984; 11: 4, 112, 129, 138). It's been used as a pesticide, and it's a component in fungicides, rodenticides, anaesthetics and many drugs. The fluoride used in toothpaste, mouth rinses and dental gels is usually sodium fluoride, a waste product from the aluminium industry. Fluoride added to our water supply is hydrofluorosilic acid or sometimes silicofluoride waste products of fertiliser and glass industries.

The late US fluoride critic George L Waldbott discovered that, besides teeth and bones, fluoride can damage soft tissue. According to his research, the small fluorine ion with a high charge density can penetrate every cell of the body and combine with other ions (GL Waldbott et al, Fluoride: The Great Dilemma, Lawrence, Kansas: Corenado Press, 1978: 148-74). It interferes with the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and the function of the parathyroid glands.

It has a strong affinity to calcium, but will also readily combine with magnesium and manganese ions and so can interfere with many enzyme systems that require these minerals. The interruption of these enzyme systems, in turn, may disturb carbohydrate metabolism, bone formation and muscle function. Indeed, every vital function in the body depends on enzymes; because fluoride easily reaches every organ, many diverse toxic symptoms can result.

Fluoride and enzymes

Enzyme systems react to fluoride in different ways; some are activated, others are inhibited. Lipase (essential for the digestion of fat) and phosphatases (needed to breakdown phosphates) are very sensitive to fluoride. In patients with skeletal fluorosis, succinate dehydrogenase activity is inhibited. In chronic fluoride poisoning, this diminished enzyme activity accounts for muscular weakness and even muscle wasting. Human salivary acid phosphatase is diminished by half when exposed to 3.8 ppm of fluoride. The blood enzyme cholinesterase is inhibited by 61 per cent on exposure to 0.95 ppm fluoride an amount within recommended levels adversely affecting functions of the nervous system (PA Smith, ed, Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1970: 48-97).

Alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme involved in bone growth and liver function, may also be affected by low level fluoride intake.

According to scientists from the University of California at San Diego, fluoride switches off the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase, an oxygen carrying respiratory enzyme; deficiencies of this vital enzyme have been linked to cancer, severe diseases and even cot death (J Biol Chem, 1984; 259: 12984-88).

It's also been shown by research at Kings College in London that fluoride forms very strong hydrogen bonds with amides, which are formed when amino acids join together to form a protein (J Am Chem Soc, 1981; 103: 24-8). This can cause chromosomal damage. If the protein is distorted, the body's immune system no longer recognises it, treats it as a foreign protein and will try to destroy it, which in turn triggers allergic skin or gastrointestinal reactions (J Yiamou-yannis, Fluoride: The Aging Factor, Delaware, Ohio: Health Action Press, 1993: 94-9).

Stomach and bowel disorders are the main features of fluoride intolerance. Even small amounts of fluoride can form hydrofluoric acid in the stomach to produce gastric pains, nausea and vomiting. Young children are particularly at risk. Fluoride tablets can even cause gastric haemorrhages; in one instance, a 9 year old boy sustained such damage that large parts of his stomach had to be removed (Fluoride, 1977; 10: 149-51).

Links with thyroid disease

The most readily identifiable feature of soft tissue fluorosis is extraordinary general fatigue, which is frequently linked to thyroid deficiency. The thyroid gland requires iodine to produce the hormone thyroxine, which controls the rate of metabolism in the body. But when fluorine is present, iodine is displaced, which will cause a thyroid gland to stop working properly (K Roholm, Handbuch Experi-menteller Pharma-kologie, Ergaenzung-swerk, Vol 7, Berlin: Springer, 1938: 20).

The parathyroid gland, which regulates the distribution of calcium and phosphorus in the body, is extremely sensitive to excessive amounts of fluoride. Over 50 years ago, Indian doctors found a close relationship between skeletal fluorosis and hyperparathyroidism (J Hyg 1942; 42: 500-4).

Fluoride has even been shown to affect the pituitary gland, which controls growth rate by regulating the production of thyroid hormones (Seances Soc Biol Fil, 1930; 103: 981-2). In animals, less than normal amounts of thyroid hormones are produced when animals are given water containing a fluoride content equivalent to that of water fluoridation (Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss, 1954; 10: 211-20).

Professor A K Susheela of the Fluoride and Fluorosis Research Foundation of India, a consultant to the Indian government, has published over 100 scientific papers on the hazards of fluoride. Using scanning electron microscope photography, she has proved that when exposed to fluoride, red blood cells are killed prematurely, lowering haemoglobin and causing anaemia. She also showed that calcium levels diminish as fluoride levels in the body rise; the gastrointestinal tract mucosa is damaged, causing irritable bowel syndrome; and blood fluoride levels rise continuously with prolonged use of fluoridated toothpaste.

When people are bombarded with fluoride, in the form of fluoridated water, toothpaste and mouth rinses, muscles and elements of connective tissue, particularly collagen fibre and bone tissue, undergo degenerative changes, says Prof Susheela.

At the 1998 US Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research in Bellingham, Washington, Dr Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey, UK, presented evidence of the effects of fluoride on the pineal gland in gerbils. In both gerbils and humans this gland helps control the aging process and the production of melatonin, which regulates the sleep/wake cycle. Gerbils exposed to a high level of fluoride experienced a significant decrease in the production of melatonin and earlier genital maturation. While animal studies may not always be applicable to humans, Dr Luke theorised that mass fluoridation may be behind the general decline in the age of puberty in the West (Fluoride, 1998; 31: 175).

In areas where water is fluoridated, evidence shows that dangerously high fluoride concentrations accumulate in many soft tissues and organs of the population, including the heart, kidney and bladder. The highest level ever recorded 8400 ppm was found in the aortas of people living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where fluoride was first introduced in America.

The heart and blood vessels are affected by fluoride. Cardiac irregularities and low blood pressure have been noted in experimental poisoning using large doses (Publ Health Report, 1956; 71: 459-67). In 1950, five years after experimental introduction of fluoride into drinking water in Grand Rapids, the number of deaths from heart disease nearly doubled. Death rates due to cancer, diabetes and arteriosclerosis were all markedly increased compared to death rates for the rest of the state (The Grand Rapid Herald, July 28, 1955).

By recording the heart's activity, Japanese researcher Taka Mori showed a direct link between damage to the heart and dental fluorisis in children who drank water with a fluoride content of 0.5 to 6.2 ppm (R Ziegelbecker et al, Emu Verlags Gmbh, Austria: Lahnstein, 1995: 43).

Fluoride affects the brain and entire central nervous system. Neurological problems like headaches, vertigo, spasticity in extremities, visual disturbances and impaired mental acuity can all result. Tissue damage to anterior horn cells (cells in the forward facing section of the spinal cord) has been found (Fluoride, 1975; 8: 61-85).

Official annual statistics revealed that among malnourished children in the Chilean town of Curico, fluoridated since 1953, death rates were 104 per cent higher than in comparable, non fluoridated towns. The general mortality was higher in Curico by 113 per cent, compared with the average for the rest of the country (Emu Verlags: 47-8).

Fluoride and ME

Although few researchers have looked at the role of fluoride in the development of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), there are conspicuous similarities between key features of ME/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and those seen in the very early stages of fluoride poisoning (Fluoride, 1998; 31: 13-20; see box, p 1).

Dr John McLaren Howard of Biolab in London offers a few important clues as to why this may be. He discovered that ME patients experience reduced movement of white blood cells when exposed to quite low levels of fluoride (InterAction 14, Autumn, 1994: 53-4). This effect on white blood cells might render patients less able to fight infections efficiently, or lead to an exacerbation of their health problems.

Fluoride also interferes with phagocytosis, as well as causing the release of superoxide free radicals in resting white blood cells. This means that fluoride slows down and weakens the very cells which serve as the body's defence system. Bacteria, viruses, chemicals and the body's own damaged or cancerous cells are then allowed to wreak havoc. Minor infections take longer to clear and can cause more serious illness (J Yiamouian-nis, The Aging Factor, Health Action Press, 1993: 32). This is precisely what appears to be happening in many cases of ME.

We do not know how many children or teenagers had topical dental treatment with high concentration fluoride, before succumbing to infections which led to ME/CFS. Tests done by the Japanese researchers at the Nippon Dental College, Tokyo on potential hazards on high doses of fluoride showed that levels as low as 57 ppm could induce genetic damage and irregular synthesis of DNA in mammalian cells. These tests were undertaken to assess the hazards of rub on fluoride products used to prevent tooth decay, at concentrations of 9000 ppm (paper presented at a meeting of The Japanese Society for Cancer Research, August 23, 1982, cited in The Ecologist, 1986; 16: 249-52). Varnishes containing 20,000 ppm fluoride, supposedly to strengthen teeth, may in future be applied.

My son had fluoride treatment to prevent tooth decay in the autumn of 1979, after which his health dramatically deteriorated, commencing with gastric problems, various minor infections and glandular fever, followed by atypical measles, more infections and eventually resulting in ME in 1980.

In the end, the fluoride treatment didn't work in preventing tooth decay he's needed 15 fillings over nine years.

The American pathologist Majid Ali of Columbia University, New York, explains that chronic fatigue results from an "accelerated oxidative molecular injury". Only a well functioning enzyme system can protect us from such injury and maintain normal energy levels. In ME there is a high frequency of membrane deformities, due to increased oxidative stress on the cell membranes, which is why sufferers lack energy similar to what happens in fluoride poisoning (The Canary and Chronic Fatigue, New Jersey: Life Span Press, 1994).

Experienced researchers who have studied ME for decades maintain that, as with polio, it is brought on by damage to anterior horn cells caused by a gut virus, which explains why polio victims are paralysed or suffer from impaired motor function (B M Hyde et al, The Clinical and Scientific Basis of ME/CFS, Ottawa: Nightingale Research Foundation, 1992: 111-6). But fluoride has also been shown to damage anterior horn cells. Gastrointestinal disturbances, often referred to as IBS, are also known to play a significant part in ME, as they are in the chronic fluoride toxicity syndrome.

Severe sleep disturbances, or reversal of sleep rhythm, are a common feature in ME/CFS (Clin: 285-91). Deposits of large quantities of fluoride in the pineal gland of animals have caused similar problems (J Luke, Bellingham Conference, 1998).

At this point, no one knows just how much these syndromes overlap, or to what extent fluoride facilitates the development of ME by various biological agents. The indications are that fluoride may act as as a "facilitating co-factor" and exacerbate existing problems in such patients. Or it could be, as Dr H C Moolenburgh Dutch author and fluoride critic suggests, that ME is one of the end stages of a general chemical poisoning, with fluoride one of the worse offenders.

!ADoris Jones

The incidence of hypothyroidism is higher among people who drink fluoridated water without using a filter, according to Dr. Feldman’s patient records. The reason for this connection is not entirely clear, but it may be that the fluoride and thyroid molecules are similar in chemistry. As a result, fluoride poisoning seems to target the thyroid.

People with thyroid problems would do well to avoid fluoride, which actually was used as a medication in the past to slow down an overactive thyroid, according to Richard and Karilee Shames in Thyroid Power.30

The forms of fluoride being added to drinking water today to prevent tooth decay are not the pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride that was originally researched for this purpose. Waste products derived mainly from the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum industries are the source of fluoride for 90% of fluoridated communities.31

Worse yet, most of the fluoride put into the water supply does not end up on our teeth, but rather in lawns, swimming pools and rivers. We accumulate this fluoride from showering and swimming in it, and we take in an unknown amount from the fluoridated drinking water that may be used in juices, beers, wines and other drinks.32

The five boroughs of New York City all have fluoridated water. To determine if your local water supply contains fluoride, contact the central water information center in your community. (For an in-depth look at the health effects of fluoride, see Parts 1 and 2 of “The Case Against Fluoridation” in this classroom. From the home page of, go to “Issues,” then “Classroom on the Web.”)

You can protect your thyroid system from fluoride exposure by using a special dedicated fluoride filter or drinking bottled water. Most standard water filters do not remove fluoride efficiently, so you will need a separate fluoride filter to do the job. Gary Null’s water filter is available as a “Combo Unit” that includes a basic ceramic unit and a tandem fluoride filter. The Combo Unit uses a five-stage filtration process and removes parasites, particulates, dirt, rust, sediment and fluoride. This filter is easy to connect to tap water plumbing (for more information, call 646-505-4660 or visit the “Marketplace” on the home page of

In addition to using a fluoride filter, people with low thyroid conditions should install a chlorine filter on their showerhead. Chlorine gas is produced as the shower water sprays out, and this toxic substance will be breathed in as you bathe.

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RE: The dangers of Aspartame and Splenda.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Ascension 2012
Date: Apr 29, 2007 12:04 PM

Saccharine was found to cause cancer and had to carry a warning label, then Aspartame/Nutrasweet was used. Some things still contain Aspartame but a lot have moved on to using Splenda. Splenda is now showing to be harmful as well.


If it says "Sugar Free" on the label--do not even think about eating it!!!! If you are using Aspartame (Nutra-Sweet, Equal) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss--you probably have Aspartame Disease! There are 92 documented symptoms of Aspartame, from coma to death. The majority of them are all neurological, because Aspartame destroys the nervous system. There is absolutely no reason to take this product. The Congressional Record said, "It makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you FAT." The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs. There are now over 5,000 products containing this chemical--it is now available in 90 plus countries worldwide--and the patent has expired!!!

When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86° F, the wood alcohol in Aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus people are being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is. In the case of systemic lupus, it has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially among Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers. Also, with methanol toxicity, the victims usually drink three to four 12 oz. cans of diet soda per day, some even more. With systemic lupus, which is triggered by Aspartame, the victim usually does not know that Aspartame is the culprit. They continue its use, aggravating the lupus to such a degree that it can become life threatening.

When people get off the Aspartame, those with systemic lupus usually become asymptomatic. On the other hand, in the case of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, (when in reality, the disease is methanol toxicity), most of the symptoms disappear. There are many cases where their vision and their hearing has returned. The methanol in the Aspartame converts to formaldehyde in the retina of the eye. Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of drugs as cyanide, fluoride, mercury, lead and arsenic--deadly poisons!!! Unfortunately, it just takes longer to quietly kill, but it is killing people and causing all kinds of neurological problems. According to the Conference of the American College of Physicians, "We are talking about a plague of neurological diseases caused by this deadly poison." Aspartame changes the brain's chemistry. It is the reason for severe seizures.

This drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. The phenylalanine in Aspartame breaks down the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, which causes manic depression, panic attacks, rage and violence. Whenever you get a seizuring person off Aspartame, the seizures stop. Imagine what this drug does to patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease. Aspartame poisoning is escalating Alzheimer's Disease. This drug also causes birth defects. Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics. All physicians know what wood alcohol will do to a diabetic. Physicians believe that they have patients with retinopathy, when in fact it is caused by Aspartame. Aspartame keeps the blood sugar level out of control, causing many patients to go into a coma. Unfortunately, many have died. Many people who switched from Saccharine to an Aspartame product have eventually gone into a coma. Their physicians could not get the blood sugar levels under control. Thus the patients suffered acute memory loss and eventually coma and death.

Memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are neurotoxic in the absence of the other amino acids found in protein. Thus it goes past the blood brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons of the brain. The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. Monsanto, the creator of Aspartame, knows how deadly it is. They fund the American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association, Congress, and the Conference of the American College of Physicians. The New York Times, on November 15, 1996, ran an article on how the American Dietetic Association takes money from the food industry to endorse their products. Therefore, they can not criticize any additives or tell about their link to Monsanto.

Aspartame Disease is a partial cause of the mystery of the Desert Storm health problems. The burning tongue and other problems frequently found in these cases can be directly related to the consumption of an Aspartame product. Several thousand pallets of diet drinks were shipped to the Dessert Storm troops. (heat can liberate the methanol from the aspartame at 86° F). Diet drinks sat in the 120° F. Arabian sun for weeks at a time on pallets. The service men and women drank them all day long. All symptoms are identical to aspartame poisoning. Consuming Aspartame at the time of conception can cause birth defects. The phenylalanine concentrates in the placenta, causing mental retardation, according to Dr. Louis Elsas, Pediatrics Professor, Genetics, at Emory University, in his testimony before Congress. In the original lab tests, animals developed brain tumors (phenylalanine breaks down into DXP, a brain tumor agent). Neurosurgeons have said when they remove brain tumors; they have found high levels of Aspartame in them.

Stevia, a sweet herb, not an additive, which helps in the metabolism of sugar, and would be ideal for diabetics, has now been approved as a dietary supplement by the F.D.A. For years, the F.D.A. has outlawed this sweet herb because of their loyalty to Monsanto. Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote a bill that would have warned all infants, pregnant mothers and children of the dangers of Aspartame. The bill would have also instituted independent studies on the problems existing in the population (seizures, changes in brain chemistry, changes in neurological and behavioral symptoms). It was killed by the powerful drug and chemical lobbies, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting public. On February 21, 1984, the Associated Press released the news FDA Rejects Hearing on Aspartame.

More than one reputable investigator has questioned the possible side effects of aspartame. In laboratory animals, aspartame has shown some relation to alterations of brain neurotransmitters. The Food and Sciences Department at Arizona State University has questioned the safety of aspartame after finding that ASPARTAME BREAKS DOWN INTO METHANOL (wood alcohol-CH3OH) at 86° F and it would react the same, chemically, at a temperature 12 points higher (body temperature). Dr. Richard Wurtman of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in a letter to Lancet 846;1060, November 9, 1985, provides subjective reports on the correlation between high aspartame ingestion and altered neurological behavior, including headaches, hallucinations and, ultimately, grand mal seizures. In three instances, the symptoms disappeared upon the elimination of aspartame from the diet.

From the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 14, pp, 565-577, J.A. Goldman, R,/H. Lerman, J.H. Contois and J.N. Udall, Jr., investigated the effect of sucrose consumption on the behavior of preschool children. Children were tested individually using a double blind, crossover design. On separate mornings each child received 6 oz. of juice, sweetened on one morning with sucrose and on the other with an artificial sweetener. Children were observed for 90 minutes following the drinks, alternating between 15-minute sessions of work on structured tasks and sessions of free play. Following the sucrose drink, the children showed a decrement in performance in the structured testing situation, and they demonstrated more "inappropriate" behavior during free play. These differences in behavior were most pronounced approximately 45 to 60 minutes after the drinks.

We are beginning to see documentation of the food/behavior link schoolteachers observe on a daily basis, despite what the sugar industry would have us believe. In Neurology, the "bible" of the neurologists, it was reported there are significantly more headaches in people who took aspartame. In another report from the FDA in 1991, they had complaints of seizures, panic attacks, and mania. Can you imagine the waste and possible harm done to these 5,000 patients receiving inappropriate testing, psychotherapy, and drugs for their nonexistent psychiatric problem? Other problems uncovered by Dr. H.J. Roberts, an authority on aspartame, are hyperactivity, confusion, dizziness, visual problems, tremors, and insomnia. Roberts cites a study from Biological Psychiatry in which depressed patients were given aspartame. The results were such a wild confusion of neurological and wacko responses that the study was quickly abandoned. One of the amusing but sad findings on aspartame is that it makes you fat. Millions of people take NutaSweet or Equal to avoid sugar and thus avoid gaining weight. Animal experiments revealed years ago that aspartame increases the appetite of the animals for sugar and carbohydrates.

Dr Richard Wurtman, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, confirmed this in humans. Then the American Cancer Society, an improbable ally against a big corporation, tracked the eating habits of 80,000 women and confirmed Wurtman's findings. If you are taking NutraSweet or Equal, you may experience any of the above-mentioned effects or one or more of the following complaints:

abdominal pain dry eyes irritability palpitations numbness tinnitis hives

aggression anxiety itching infections impaired hearing eye pain hair loss

bloating hypertension nausea frequent urination chronic fatigue death phobias

depression diarrhea sleepiness shortness of breath drowsiness edema tingling

slurring of speech unsteadiness urinary tract burning

There are undoubtedly other unreported symptoms, but the FDA continues to look the other way. In fact, the National Institutes of Health published a report listing 16 reasons why you should not take aspartame. This drug was once listed by the Pentagon as a possible biochemical warfare weapon. But they must have decided it would be more profitable to poison our citizens with it than to wait for a war. Dr. Roberts concludes: "More than half the population now consumes enormous amounts of a chemical that I regard as an imminent public health hazard." Twelve hundred food products now contain aspartame. It's difficult to avoid it unless you stick to fresh food. Remember, restaurants use aspartame, especially in desserts. Many of the test animals in the original Searle animal experiments developed brain tumors. This information was suppressed. The tumors were removed surgically and the animals were kept in the experiment. The FDA claims it knew nothing about this shocking finding.

How long do you think melatonin would stay on the market if it caused brain tumors? How can this be? The answer is always the same: Follow the money. Consumers will soon have another artificial sweetener to watch out for. The Food and Drug Administration has recently announced approval of a new sweetener that will be used in dry food products and sold to consumers in tablet form. The new sweetener, acesulfame potassium or "acesulfame K" for short, will compete with aspartame and saccharin in the billion-dollar-a-year artificial sweetener market in the U.S. The Hoechst Celanese Corporation of Somerville, N.J., a subsidiary of HOECHST A.G., of Frankfurt, West Germany, will market it under the brand name Sunette. According to Hoechst, Sunette will have the same sweetening power as aspartame, which is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. But it will be more versatile in that unlike aspartame it doesn't lose potency after long storage or after heating. It will be used in such things as chewing gum, instant tea and coffee, gelatins and non-dairy creamers.

Hoechst is also trying to get approval for Sunette's use in baked goods, candies and liquid foods and drinks. It is already being used in soft drinks in West Germany. The FDA says acesulfame K is safe and that four long-term animal studies have not shown any toxic effects. But the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based consumer group, warned that the studies they have seen showed that animals fed acesulfame suffered more tumors than those not fed the other sweetener. The FDA responded by saying that the incidence of tumors was typical of what could routinely be expected and was not due to the sweetener. With the safety of aspartame and saccharine still in question by medical researchers, consumers should take the claims for Sunette with a grain of salt!


Proteins are the most difficult foods to properly digest and require a considerable amount of energy for digestion. Therefore, protein snacks are inadvisable since they require hard digestive labor from the body and thus deplete its digestive powers. Fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates make better snacks. Since proteins take a long time to digest, it is likely that a snack protein will be overtaken by the next meal. If a person has a proper protein breakfast, then ideally lunch should come four-and-a-half hours later without any snacks in between. The body uses energy for other processes besides digesting food. Items such as celery, carrot sticks and popcorn (air popped) are preferable. Fruit also makes a good afternoon snack item. Some use frozen organic red grapes as a Popsicle-type snack in the summer. Unfortunately, most people want to snack on sweets, candy, desserts and other high-stress items. One advantage of the protein-and-vegetable breakfast is that the detrimental effect of sweet snacks eaten in the afternoon is minimized due to the strong metabolic pattern established by the breakfast.

The best advice is to avoid snacks altogether, or to use snack time to boost nutrition with a glass of organic carrot/vegetable juice. But if you do choose to snack, use fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. If you succumb to the cookie urge, late afternoon is the least detrimental time. But have a glass of vegetable juice with it. No deprivation, just hedging your bet. Adding a couple of raw vegetables, or vegetable juice, ot a sweet snack will help prevent activation of the immune system against the high-stress snack, and it will help conserve energy by adding enzymes. Just add a carrot and a celery stick to your cookie snack and you will fare much better. Keep in mind that a strong craving for sweets is a classic symptom of protein deficiency at the cellular level. A well-nourished system does not keep the "appestat button" (hypothalamus and pituitary) pushed, calling for more nutrients. Blood sugar becomes stable, and stamina and steadfast energy become new characteristics. Stabilization of the blood sugar takes effect usually within three weeks to three months after beginning a proper eating regimen.

Toxic aspartame

Aspartame Side Effects

The components of aspartame can lead to a number of health problems. Side effects can occur gradually, can be immediate, or can be acute reactions. According to Lendon Smith, M.D., Russell Blaylock, M.D. and a growing number of other medical doctors, there is an enormous population suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, yet have no idea why drugs, supplements and herbs don't relieve their symptoms. Even though some don't 'appear' to suffer immediate reactions, these individuals are still susceptible to the long-term damage caused by excitatory amino acids, phenylalanine, methanol, and DKP.

Over 92 adverse reactions and side effects have been attributed to aspartame including:


blindness in one or both eyes

decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as: blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision

pain in one or both eyes

decreased tears

trouble with contact lenses

bulging eyes


tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound

severe intolerance of noise

marked hearing impairment


epileptic seizures

headaches, migraines and some severe

dizziness, unsteadiness, both

confusion, memory loss, both

severe drowsiness and sleepiness

paresthesia or numbness of the limbs

severe slurring of speech

severe hyperactivity and restless legs

atypical facial pain

severe tremors


severe depression




personality changes




palpitations, tachycardia

shortness of breath

recent high blood pressure



diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools

abdominal pain

pain when swallowing

Skin and Allergies

itching without a rash

lip and mouth reactions


aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma

Endocrine and Metabolic

loss of control of diabetes

menstrual changes

marked thinning or loss of hair

marked weight loss

gradual weight gain

aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

severe PMS


frequency of voiding and burning during urination

excessive thirst, fluid retention, leg swelling, and bloating

increased susceptibility to infection

Additional Symptoms of Aspartame Toxicity include the most critical symptoms of all:


irreversible brain damage

birth defects, including mental retardation

peptic ulcers

aspartame addiction and increased craving for sweets

hyperactivity in children

severe depression

aggressive behavior

suicidal tendencies

Aspartame may trigger, mimic, or cause the following illnesses:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Post-Polio Syndrome

Lyme Disease

Grave's Disease

Meniere's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease



Multiple Sclerosis (MS)



Mercury sensitivity from Amalgam fillings



non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

These are not allergies or sensitivities, but diseases and disease syndromes. Aspartame poisoning is commonly misdiagnosed because aspartame symptoms mock textbook 'disease' symptoms, such as Grave's Disease.

Aspartame changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, blocking or lowering the levels of serotonin, tyrosine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. Therefore, it is typical that aspartame symptoms cannot be detected in lab tests and on x-rays. Textbook disorders and diseases may actually be a toxic load as a result of aspartame poisoning.


Aspartame sugar substitutes cause worrying symptoms from memory loss to
brain tumours. But despite US FDA approval as a 'safe' food additive, aspartame is one of
the most dangerous substances ever to be foisted upon an unsuspecting public.

Originally published in Blazing Tattles, Vol. 4, Nos. 4, 5, 6,
April-June 1995

P.O. Box 8609, Tampa, FL 33674-8609, USA

by Claire W. Gilbert, Publisher & Editor

Blazing Tattles

© 1995 by Mark D. Gold, 35 Inman St, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Phone: (617) 497 7843,


Web page:

Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names, NutraSweet, Equal,
Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. Aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965, when James
Schlatter, a chemist of G.D. Searle Company was testing an anti-ulcer drug. Aspartame was
approved for dry goods in 1981 and for carbonated beverages in 1983. It was originally
approved for dry goods on July 26, 1974, but objections filed by neuroscience researcher
Dr John W. Olney and Consumer attorney James Turner in August 1974 as well as
investigations of G.D. Searle's research practices caused the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to put approval of aspartame on hold (December 5, 1974). In 1985,
Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle and made Searle Pharmaceuticals and The NutraSweet Company
separate subsidiaries.

Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added
to foods. Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food
additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions
are very serious including seizures and death as recently disclosed in a February 1994
Department of Health and Human Services report.(1) A few of the 90 different documented
symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include:

Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain,
rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing
loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of
taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.

According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of
aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of

Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease,
alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.

Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: Aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and
methanol. The book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis
Balch, lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison." As you shall
see, that is exactly what it is.


Dr Russell L. Blaylock, a professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of
Mississippi, recently published a book thoroughly detailing the damage that is caused by
the ingestion of excessive aspartic acid from aspartame. [Ninety nine percent of
monosodium glutamate 9MSG) is glutamic acid. The damage it causes is also documented in
Blaylock's book.] Blaylock makes use of almost 500 scientific references to show how
excess free excitatory amino acids such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid in our food
supply are causing serious chronic neurological disorders and a myriad of other acute


Aspartate and glutamate act as neurotransmitters in the brain by facilitating the
transmittion of information from neuron to neuron. Too much aspartate or glutamate in the
brain kills certain neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium into the cells.
This influx triggers excessive amounts of free radicals which kill the cells. The neural
cell damage that can be caused by excessive aspartate and glutamate is why they are
referred to as "excitotoxins." They "excite" or stimulate the neural
cells to death.

Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound to proteins) it
significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspartate and glutamate. The excess
aspartate and glutamate in the blood plasma shortly after ingesting aspartame or products
with free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of those
neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain.

The blood brain barrier (BBB) which normally protects the brain from excess
glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins 1) is not fully developed during childhood, 2)
does not fully protect all areas of the brain, 3) is damaged by numerous chronic and acute
conditions, and 4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspartate into the brain even
when intact.

The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large
majority (75%+) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any
clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed. A few of the many chronic illnesses
that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure excitatory amino acid
damage include:

Multiple sclerosis (MS), ALS, memory loss, hormonal problems, hearing loss,
epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, hypoglycemia, AIDS dementia, brain
lessions, and neuroendocrine disorders.

The risk to infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and persons with
certain chronic health problems from excitotoxins are great. Even the Federation of
American Societies For Experimental Biology (FASEB), which usually understates problems
and mimmicks the FDA party-line, recently stated in a review that "it is prudent to
avoid the use of dietary supplements of L-glutamic acid by pregnant women, infants, and
children. The Existence of evidence of potential endocrine responses, i.e., elevated
cortisol and prolactin, and differential responses between males and females, would also
suggest a neuroendocrine link and that supplemental L-glutamic acid should be avoided by
women of childbearing age and individuals with affective disorders."(4) Aspartic acid
from aspartame has the same deleterious effects on the body as glutamic acid.

The exact mechanism of acute reactions to excess free glutamate and aspartate
is currently being debated. As reported to the FDA, those reactions include:(5)

Headaches/migraines, nausea, abdominal pains, fatigue (blocks sufficient glucose entry
into brain), sleep problems, vision problems, anxiety attacks, depression, and
asthma/chest tightness.

One common complaint of persons suffering from the effect of aspartame is
memory loss. Ironically, in 1987, G.D. Searle, the manufacturer of aspartame, undertook a
search for a drug to combat memory loss caused by excititory amino acid damage. Blaylock
is one of many scientists and physicians who are concerned about excititory amino acid
damage caused by ingestion of aspartame and MSG. A few of the many experts who have spoken
out against the damage being caused by aspartate and glutamate include Adrienne Samuels,
Ph.D., an experimental psychologist specializing in research design. Another is Olney, a
professor in the department of psychiatry, School of Medicine, Washington University, a
neuroscientist and researcher, and one of the world's foremost authorities on
excitotoxins. (He informed Searle in 1971 that aspartic acid caused holes in the brain of
mice.) Also included is Francis J. Waickman, M.D., a recipient of the Rinkel and Forman
Awards, and Board certified in Pediatrics, Allergy, and Immunology.

Other concerned scientists include: John R. Hain, M.D., Board Certified
Forensic Pathologist, and H.J. Roberts, M.D., FACP, FCCP, Diabetic Specialist, and
selected by a national medical publication as "The Best Doctor in the US"

John Samuels is concerned, also. He compiled a list of scientific research
sufficient to show the dangers of ingesting excess free glutamic and aspartic acid.

And there are many more who can be added to this long list.


Phenylalanine is an amino acid normally found in the brain. Persons with the genetic
disorder, phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot metabolize phenylalanine. This leads to dangerously
high levels of phenylalanine in the brain (sometimes lethal). It has been shown that
ingesting aspartame, especially along with carbohydrates can lead to excess levels of
phenylalanine in the brain even in persons who do not have PKU. This is not just a theory,
as many people who have eaten large amounts of aspartame over a long period of time and do
not have PKU have been shown to have excessive levels of phenylalanine in the blood.
Excessive levels of phenylalanine in the brain can cause the levels of seratonin in the
brain to decrease, leading to emotional disorders such as depression. It was shown in
human testing that phenylalanine levels of the blood were increased significantly in human
subjects who chronically used aspartame.(6) Even a single use of aspartame raised the
blood phenylalanine levels. In his testimony before the US Congress, Dr Louis J. Elsas
showed that high blood phenylalanine can be concentrated in parts of the brain, and is
especially dangerous for infants and fetuses. He also showed that phenylalanine is
metabolised much more effeciently by rodents than by humans.(7)

One account of a case of extremely high phenylalanine levels caused by
aspartame was recently published the the "Wednesday Journal" in an article
entitled "An Aspartame Nightmare." John Cook began drinking 6 to 8 diet drinks
every day. His symptoms started out as memory loss and frequent headaches. He began to
crave more aspartame-sweetened drinks. His condition deteriorated so much that he
experienced wide mood swings and violent rages. Even though he did not suffer from PKU, a
blood test revealed a phenylalanine level of 80 mg/dl. He also showed abnormal brain
function and brain damage. After he kicked his aspartame habit, his symptoms improved

As Blaylock points out in his book, early studies measuring phenylalanine
buildup in the brain were flawed. Investigators who measured specific brain regions and
not the average throughout the brain notice significant rises in phenylalanine levels.
Specifically the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, and corpus striatum areas of the brain
had the largest increases in phenylalanine. Blaylock goes on to point out that excessive
buildup of phenylalanine in the brain can cause schizophrenia or make one more susceptible
to seizures.

Therefore, long-term, excessive use of aspartame may provided a boost to sales
of seratonin reuptake inhibitors such as Prozac and drugs to control schizophrenia and


Methanol/wood alcohol is a deadly poison. Some people may remember methanol as the
poison that has caused some "skid row" alcoholics to end up blind or dead.
Methanol is gradually released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame
encounter the enzyme chymotrypsin.

The absorption of methanol into the body is sped up considerably when free
methanol is ingested. Free methanol is created from aspartame when it is heated to above
86 Fahrenheit (30 Centigrade). This would occur when aspartame-containing product is
improperly stored or when it is heated (e.g., as part of a "food" product such
as Jello).

Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body.
Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment of methanol states that methanol
"is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is
absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid; both of these
metabolites are toxic." The recommend a limit of consumption of 7.8 mg/day. A
one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol.
Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily
or 32 times the EPA limit.(9)

Symptoms from methanol poisoning include headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness,
nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, weakness, vertigo, chills, memory lapses, numbness
and shooting pains in the extremities, behavioral disturbances, and neuritis. The most
well knowm problems from methanol poisoning are vision problems including misty vision,
progressive contraction of visual fields, blurring of vision, obscuration of vision,
retinal damage, and blindness. Formaldehye is a known carcinogen, causes retinal damage,
interferes with DNA replication, causes birth defects.(10) Due to the lack of a couple of
key enzymes, humans are many times more sensitive to the toxic effects of methanol than
animals. Therefore, tests of aspartame or methanol on animals do not accurately reflect
the danger for humans. As pointed out by Dr Woodrow C. Monte, Director of the Food Science
and Nutrition Laboratory at Arizona State University, "There are no human or
mammalian studies to evaluate the possible mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic effects
of chronic administration of methyl alcohol."(11)

He was so concerned about the unresolved safety issues that he filed suit with
the FDA requesting a hearing to address these issues. He asked the FDA to "slow down
on this soft drink issue long enough to answer some of the important questions. It's not
fair that you are leaving the full burden of proof on the few of us who are concerned and
have such limited resources. You must remember that you are the American public's last
defense. Once you allow usage (of aspartame) there is literally nothing I or my colleagues
can do to reverse the course. Aspartame will then join saccharin, the sulfiting agents,
and God knows how many other questionable compounds enjoined to insult the human
constitution with governmental approval."(10) Shortly thereafter, the Commissioner of
the FDA, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, he
then left for a position with G.D. Searle's Public Relations firm.(11)

It has been pointed out that some fruit juices and alcoholic beverages contain
small amounts of methanol. It is important to remember, however, that methanol never
appears alone. In every case, ethanol is present, usually in much higher amounts. Ethanol
is an antidote for methanol toxicity in humans.(9) The troops of Desert Storm were
"treated" to large amounts of aspartame-sweetened beverages which had been
heated to over 86o F. in the Saudi Arabian sun. Many of them returned home with numerous
disorders similar to what has been seen in persons who have been chemically poisoned by
formaldehyde. The free methanol in the beverages may have been a contributing factor in
these illnesses. Other breakdown products of aspartame such as DKP (discussed below) may
also have been a factor.

In a 1993 act that can only be described as "unconscionable," the FDA
approved aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items that would always be heated to
above 86°ree;F (30°ree;C).


DKP is a by-product of aspartame metabolism. DKP has been implicated in the occurance
of brain tumors. Olney noticed that DKP, when nitrosated in the gut, produced a compound
which was similar to N-nitrosourea, a powerful brain tumor causing chemical. Some authors
have said that DKP is produced after aspartame ingestion. I am not sure if that is
correct. It is definately true that DKP is formed in liquid aspartame-containing products
during prolonged storage.

G.D. Searle conducted animal experiments on the safety of DKP. The FDA found
numerous experimental errors occured, including "clerical errors, mixed-up animals,
animals not getting drugs they were supposed to get, pathological specimens lost because
of improper handling," and many other errors.(12) These sloppy laboratory procedures
may explain why both the test and control animals had sixteen times more brain tumors than
would be expected in experiments of this length.

In an ironic twist, shortly after these experimental errors were discovered,
the FDA used guidelines recommened by G.D. Searle to devlop the Industry-wide FDA
standards for Good Laboratory Practies.(11)

DKP has also been implicated as a cause of uterine polyps and changes in blood
cholesterol by FDA Toxicologist Dr Jacqueline Verrett in her testimony before the US


The components of aspartame can lead to a wide variety of ailments. Some of these
problems occur gradually, others are immediate, acute reactions.

There is an enormous population of people who are suffering from symtpoms
contributed to by aspartame, yet they have no idea why herbs or drugs are not helping
relieve their problems. There are other users of aspartame who appear not to be suffering
immediate reactions to aspartame. But even these individuals are susceptible to the
long-term damage caused by excitatory amino acids, phenylalanine, methanol, and DKP. A few
of the many disorders that are of particular concern to me include the following.

Birth Defects.

Dr Diana Dow Edwards, a researcher was funded by Monsanto to study possible birth
defects caused by the ingestion of aspartame. After preliminary data showed damaging
information about aspartame, funding for the study was cut off. A Gentetic Pediatrician at
Emory University has testified that aspartame is causing birth defects.7360-367.

In the book, While Waiting: A Prenatal Guidebook by George R. Verrilli,
M.D. and Anne Marie Mueser, it is stated that aspartame is suspected of causing brain
damage in sensitive individuals. A fetus may be at risk for these effects. Some
researchers have suggested that high doses of aspartame may be associated with problems
ranging from dizziness and subtle brain changes to mental retardation.

Cancer (Brain Cancer).

In 1981, Satya Dubey, an FDA statistician, stated that the brain tumor data on
aspartame was so "worrisome" that he could not recommend approval of
NutraSweet.(14) In a two-year study conducted by the manufacturer of aspartame, twelve of
the 320 rats fed a normal diet and aspartame developed brain tumors while none of the
control rats had tumors. Five of the twelve tumors were in rats given a low dose of
aspartame.(15) The approval of aspartame was a violation of the Delaney Amendment which
was supposed to prevent cancer-causing substances such as methanol (formaldehye) and DKP
from entering our food supply. The late Dr Adrian Gross, an FDA toxicologist, testified
before the US Congress that aspartame was capable of producing brain tumors. This made it
illegal for the FDA to set an allowable daily intake at any level. He stated in his
testimony that Searle's studies were "to a large extent unreliable" and that
"at least one of those studies has established beyond any reasonable doubt that
aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumors in experimental animals...." He
concluded his testimony by asking, "What is the reason for the apparent refusal by
the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney Amendment to the Food, Drug
and Cosmetic Act? .... And if the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is left to
protect the health of the public?"(16)

In the mid-1970s it was discovered that the manufacturer of aspartame falsified
studies in several ways. One of the techniques used was to cut tumors out of test animals
and put them back in the study. Another technique used to falsify the studies was to list
animals that had actually died as surviving the study. Thus, the data on brain tumors was
likely worse than discussed above. In addition, a former employee of the manufacturer of
aspartame, Raymond Schroeder told the FDA on July 13, 1977 that the particles of DKP were
so large that the rats could dicriminate between the DKP and their normal diet.(12)

It is interesting to note that the incidence of brain tumors in persons over 65
years of age has increase 67% between the years 1973 and 1990. Brain tumors in all age
groups has jumped 10%. The greatest increase has come during the years 1985-1987.(17)

In his book, Aspartame (NutraSweet). Is it Safe?, Roberts gives evidence
that aspartame can cause a particularly dangerous form of cancer - primary lymphoma of the


The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is actually recommending this chemical poison
to persons with diabetes. According to research conducted by H.J. Roberts, a diabetes
specialist, a member of the ADA, and an authority on artificial sweetners, aspartame:

1) Leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes.

2) Causes poorer diabetic control in diebetics on insulin or oral drugs.

3) Leads to the aggravation of diabetic complications such as retinopathy, cataracts,
neuropathy and gastroparesis.

4) Causes convulsions.

In a statement concerning the use of products containing aspartain by persons
with diabetes and hypoglycemia, Roberts says: "Unfortunately, many patients in my
practice, and others seen in consultation, developed serious metabolic, neurologic and
other complications that could be specifically attributed to using aspartame products.
This was evidenced by:

"The loss of diabetic control, the intensification of hypoglycemia, the occurrence of
presumed 'insulin reactions' (including convulsions) that proved to be aspartame
reactions, and the precipitation, aggravation or simulation of diabetic complications
(especially impaired vision and neuropathy) while using these products.

"Dramatic improvement of such features after avoiding aspartame, and the
prompt predictable recurrence of these problems when the patient resumed aspartame
products, knowingly or inadvertently."

Roberts goes on to say:

"I regret the failure of other physicians and the American Diabetes Association (ADA)
to sound appropriate warnings to patients and consumers based on these repeated findings
which have been described in my corporate-neutral studies and publications."

Blaylock stated that excitotoxins such as that found in aspartame can
precipitate diabetes in persons who are genetically susceptible to the disease.(5)

Emotional Disorders.

A double blind study of the effects of aspartame on persons with mood disorders was
recently conducted by Dr Ralph G. Walton. Since the study wasn't funded/controlled by the
makers of aspartame, The NutraSweet Company refused to sell him the aspartame. Walton was
forced to obtain and certify it from an outside source.

The study showed a large increase in serious symptoms for persons taking
aspartame. Since some of the symptoms were so serious, the Institutional Review Board had
to stop the study. Three of the participants had said that they had been
"poisoned" by aspartame. Walton concludes that "individuals with mood
disorders are particularly sensitive to this artificial sweetener; its use in this
population should be discouraged."(18) Aware that the experiment could not be
repeated because of the danger to the test subjects, Walton was recently quoted as saying,
"I know it causes seizures. I'm convinced also that it definitely causes behavioral
changes. I'm very angry that this substance is on the market. I personally question the
reliability and validity of any studies funded by the NutraSweet Company."(19)

There are numerous reported cases of low brain serotonin levels, depression and
other emotional disorders that have been linked to aspartame and often are relieved by
stopping the intake of aspartame. Researchers have pointed out that increasing in
phenylalanine levels in the brain, which can and does occur in persons without PKU, leads
to a decreased level of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, which leads to a variety of
emotional disorders. Dr William M. Pardridge of UCLA testified before the US Senate that a
youth drinking four 16-ounce bottles of diet soda per day leads to an enormous increase in
the phenylalanine level.


With the large and growing number of seizures caused by aspartame, it is sad to see
that the Epilepsy Foundation is promoting the "safety" of aspartame. At
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 80 people who had suffered seizures after ingesting
aspartame were surveyed. Community Nutrition Institute concluded the following about the

"These 80 cases meet the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard to the
public health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a product from the

Both the Air Force's magazine Flying Safety and the Navy's magazine, Navy
Physiology published articles warning about the many dangers of aspartame including
the cumlative deliterious effects of methanol and the greater likelihood of birth defects.
The articles note that the ingestion of aspartame can make pilots more susceptible to
seizures and vertigo. Twenty articles sounding warnings about ingesting aspartame while
flying have also appeared in the National Business Aircraft Association Digest (NBAA
Digest 1993), Aviation Medical Bulletin (1988), The Aviation Consumer
(1988), Canadian General Aviation News (1990), Pacific Flyer (1988), General
Aviation News (1989), Aviation Safety Digest (1989), and Plane and Pilot
(1990) and a paper warning about aspartame was presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the
Aerospace Medical Association (Gaffney 1986).

Recently, a hotline was set up for pilots suffering from acute reactions to
aspartame ingestion. Over 600 pilots have reported symptoms including some who have
reported suffering grand mal seizures in the cockpit due to aspartame.(21)

One of the original studies on aspartame was performed in 1969 by an
independent scientist, Dr Harry Waisman. He studied the effects of aspartame on infant
primates. Out of the seven infant monkeys, one died after 300 days and five others had
grand mal seizures. Of course, these negative findings were not submitted to the FDA
during the approval process.(22)

Why don't we hear about these things?

The reason many people do not hear about serious reactions to aspartame is

1) Lack of awareness by the general population. Aspartame-caused diseases are not reported
in the newspapers like plane crashes. This is because these incidents occur one at a time
in thousands of different locations across the US.

2) Most people do not associate their symptoms with the long-term use of aspartame. For
the people who have killed a significant percentage of the brain cells and thereby caused
a chronic illness, there is no way that they would normally associate such an illness with
aspartame consumption. How aspartame was approved is a lesson in how chemical and
pharmaceutical companies can manipulate government agencies such as the FDA,
"bribe" organizations such as the American Dietetic Association, and flood the
scientific community with flawed and fraudulent industry-sponsored studies funded by the
makers of aspartame.

Erik Millstone, a researcher at the Science Policy Research Unit of Sussex
University has compiled thousands of pages of evidence, some of which have been obtained
using the freedom of information act 23, showing:

1. Laboratory tests were faked and dangers were concealed.

2. Tumors were removed from animals and animals that had died were "restored to
life" in laboratory records.

3. False and misleading statements were made to the FDA.

4. The two US Attorneys given the task of bringing fraud charges against the aspartame
manufacturer took positions with the manufacturer's law firm, letting the statute of
limitations run out.

5. The Commissioner of the FDA overruled the objections of the FDA's own scientific board
of inquiry. Shortly after that decision, he took a position with Burson-Marsteller, the
firm in charge of public relations for G.D. Searle.

A Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) was conducted in 1980. There were three
scientists who reviewed the objections of Olney and Turner to the approval of aspartame.
They voted unanimously against aspartame's approval. The FDA Commissioner, Dr Arthur Hull
Hayes, Jr. then created a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the PBOI findings.
After it became clear that the Commission would uphold the PBOI's decision by a vote of 3
to 2, another person was added to the Commission, creating a deadlocked vote. This allowed
the FDA Commissioner to break the deadlock and approve aspartame for dry goods in 1981. Dr
Jacqueline Verrett, the Senior Scientist in an FDA Bureau of Foods review team created in
August 1977 to review the Bressler Report (a report that detailed G.D. Searle's abuses
during the pre-approval testing) said:

"It was pretty obvious that somewhere along the line, the bureau officials were
working up to a whitewash." In 1987, Verrett testified before the US Senate stating
that the experiments conducted by Searle were a "disaster." She stated that her
team was instructed not to comment on or be concerned with the overall validity of the
studies. She stated that questions about birth defects have not been answered. She
continued her testimony by discussing the fact that DKP has been shown to increase uterine
polyps and change blood cholesterol and that increasing the temperature of the product
leads to an increase in production of DKP.(13)

Revolving doors

The FDA and the manufacturers of aspartame have had a rovolving door of employment for
many years. In addition to the FDA Commissioner and two US Attorneys leaving to take
positions with companies connected with G.D. Searle, four other FDA officials connected
with the approval of aspartame took positions connected with the NutraSweet industry
between 1979 and 1982 including the Deputy FDA Commissioner, the Special Assistant to the
FDA Commissioner, the Associate Director of the Bureau of Foods and Toxicology and the
Attorney involved with the Public Board of Inquiry.(24)

It is important to realize that this type of revolving-door activity has been
going on for decades. The Townsend Letter for Doctors (11/92) reported on a study
revealing that 37 of 49 top FDA officials who left the FDA took positions with companies
they had regulated. They also reported that over 150 FDA officials owned stock in drug
companies they were assigned to manage. Many organizations and universities receive large
sums of money from companies connected to the NutraSweet Association, a group of companies
promoting the use of aspartame. In January 1993, the American Dietetic Association
received a US$75,000 grant from the NutraSweet Company. The American Dietetic Association
has stated that the NutraSweet Company writes their "Facts" sheets.(25)

Many other "independent" organizations and researchers receive large
sums of money from the manufacturers of aspartame. The American Diabetes Association has
received a large amount of money from Nutrasweet, including money to run a cooking school
in Chicago (presumably to teach diabetes how to use Nutrasweet in their cooking).

A researcher in New England who has pointed out the dangers of aspartame in the
past is now a Monsanto consultant. Another researcher in the Southeastern US had testified
about the dangers of aspartame on fetuses. An investigative reporter has discovered that
he was told to keep his mouth shut to avoid causing the loss of a large grant from a diet
cola manufacturer in the NutraSweet Association.

What is the FDA doing to protect the consumer from the dangers of aspartame?

Less than nothing.

In 1992, the FDA approved aspartame for use in malt beverages, breakfast
cereals, and refrigerated puddings and fillings. In 1993 the FDA approved aspartame for
use in hard and soft candies, non-alcoholic favored beverages, tea beverages, fruit juices
and concentrates, baked goods and baking mixes, and frostings, toppings and fillings for
baked goods.

In 1991, the FDA banned the importation of stevia. The powder of the leaf has
been used for hundreds of years as an alternative sweetner. It is used widely in Japan
with no adverse effects. Scientists involved in reviewing stevia have declared it to be
safe for human consumption - something which has been well known in many parts of the
world where it is not banned. Everyone that I have spoken with in regards to this issue
believes that stevia was banned to keep the product from taking hold in the US and cutting
into sales of aspartame.(26)

What is the US Congress doing to protect the consumer from the dangers of


What is the US Administration (President) doing to protect the consumer from
the dangers of aspartame?


Aspartame consumption is not only a problem in the US. It is being sold in over
70 countries throughout the world.


- instant breakfasts

- breath mints

- cereals

- sugar-free chewing gum

- cocoa mixes

- coffee beverages

- frozen desserts

- gelatin desserts

- juice beverages

- laxatives

- multivitamins

- milk drinks

- pharmaceuticals and supplements

- shake mixes

- soft drinks

- tabletop sweeteners

- tea beverages

- instant teas and coffees

- topping mixes

- wine coolers

- yogurt

I have been told that aspartame has been found in products where it is not
listed on the label. One must be particular careful of pharmaceuticals and supplements. I
have been informed that even some supplements made by well-known supplement manufacturers
such as Twinlabs contain aspartame.

The information I have related above is just the tip of the iceberg as far as
damaging information about aspartame. In order for the reader to find out more, I have
included some resources below.

Originally published in Blazing Tattles, Vol. 4, Nos. 4, 5, 6,
April-June 1995

P.O. Box 8609, Tampa, FL 33674-8609, USA

by Claire W. Gilbert, Publisher & Editor

Blazing Tattles

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 2, #28 (Oct-Nov '95) and Volume 3, #1 (Dec '95-Jan '96).

PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.

From web page at:

The Lethal Science Of
Splenda - A
Poisonous Chlorocarbon

From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

By James Bowen, M.D.




James Bowen, M.D., A physician, biochemist, and survivor
of aspartame poisoning warns about yet another synthetic sweetener, Splenda.

HAWAII -- The chemical sucralose, marketed as "Splenda",
has replaced aspartame as the #1 artificial sweetener in foods and beverages.
Aspartame has been forced out by increasing public awareness that it is
both a neurotoxin and an underlying cause of chronic illness worldwide.
Dr. James Bowen, Researcher and biochemist, reports:

"Splenda/sucralose is simply chlorinated sugar;
a chlorocarbon. Common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethelene
and methylene chloride, all deadly. Chlorine is nature's Doberman attack
dog, a highly excitable, ferocious atomic element employed as a biocide
in bleach, disinfectants, insecticide, WWI poison gas and hydrochloric

"Sucralose is a molecule of sugar chemically manipulated
to surrender three hydroxyl groups (hydrogen + oxygen) and replace them
with three chlorine atoms. Natural sugar is a hydrocarbon built around
12 carbon atoms. When turned into Splenda it becomes a chlorocarbon, in
the family of Chlorodane, Lindane and DDT,

"It is logical to ask why table salt, which also
contains chlorine, is safe while Splenda/sucralose is toxic? Because salt
isn't a chlorocarbon. When molecular chemistry binds sodium to chlorine
to make salt carbon isn't included. Sucralose and salt are as different
as oil and water.

"Unlike sodium chloride, chlorocarbons are never
nutritionally compatible with our metabolic processes and are wholly incompatible
with normal human metabolic functioning. When chlorine is chemically reacted
into carbon-structured organic compounds to make chlorocarbons, the carbon
and chlorine atoms bind to each other by mutually sharing electrons in
their outer shells. This arrangement adversely affects human metabolism
because our mitochondrial and cellular enzyme systems are designed to completely
utilize organic molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
and other compatible nutritional elements.

"By this process chlorocarbons such as sucralose
deliver chlorine directly into our cells through normal metabolization.
This makes them effective insecticides and preservatives. Preservatives
must kill anything alive to prevent bacterial decomposition."

Dr. Bowen believes ingested chlorocarbon damage continues
with the formation of other toxins: "Any chlorocarbons not directly
excreted from the body intact can cause immense damage to the processes
of human metabolism and, eventually, our internal organs. The liver is
a detoxification organ which deals with ingested poisons. Chlorocarbons
damage the hepatocytes, the liver's metabolic cells, and destroy them.
In test animals Splenda produced swollen livers, as do all chlorocarbon
poisons, and also calcified the kidneys of test animals in toxicity studies.
The brain and nervous system are highly subject to metabolic toxicities
and solvency damages by these chemicals. Their high solvency attacks the
human nervous system and many other body systems including genetics and
the immune function. Thus, chlorocarbon poisoning can cause cancer, birth
defects, and immune system destruction. These are well known effects of
Dioxin and PCBs which are known deadly chlorocarbons."

Dr. Bowen continues: "Just like aspartame, which
achieved marketplace approval by the Food and Drug Administration when
animal studies clearly demonstrated its toxicity, sucralose also failed
in clinical trials with animals. Aspartame created brain tumors in rats.
Sucralose has been found to shrink thymus glands (the biological seat of
immunity) and produce liver inflammation in rats and mice.

"In the coming months we can expect to see a river
of media hype expounding the virtues of Splenda/sucralose. We should not
be fooled again into accepting the safety of a toxic chemical on the blessing
of the FDA and saturation advertising. In terms of potential long-term
human toxicity we should regard sucralose with its chemical cousin DDT,
the insecticide now outlawed because of its horrendous long term toxicities
at even minute trace levels in human, avian, and mammalian tissues.

"Synthetic chemical sweeteners are generally unsafe
for human consumption. This toxin was given the chemical name "sucralose"
which is a play on the technical name of natural sugar, sucrose. One is
not the other. One is food, the other is toxic; don't be deceived."

Dr. Bowen also calls attention to another seldom recognized
and deadly permanent effect of these chemicals: "Aspartame, sold as
NutraSweet, Equal, E951, Canderel, Benevia and under other names, is a
hypersensitization agent which causes Polychemical Sensitivity syndrome.
Chlorocarbons strongly induce uncurable hypersensitivity diseases which
are now becoming rampant." (James Bowen, M.D.)

Doctor Bowen has spent 20 years researching artificial
sweeteners after his use of aspartame resulted in being diagnosed with
Lou Gehrig's disease. Dr Bowen's intention is to warn the world of the
toxicity of tabletop poisons like aspartame, Splenda and Neotame.

For more information on aspartame and Splenda click on
the Aspartame Information List on Dr. Bowen can be
seen in the movie "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World" For the movie
call 1 818 349 8822 or email See how
aspartame was approved by clicking on

Aspartame and Splenda Toxicity Centers,
Aspartame and brain tumors cases for litigation contact
Dr. Betty Martini at or 770 242-2599. Currently
taking states New York, New Jersey, Madison County, Illinois and Mississippi

A medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic
by H. J. Roberts, M.D. presents, 1038 pages of aspartame horrors.
or 1 800 827 7991

Russell Blaylock, M.D., has published Excitotoxins: The
Taste That Kills on the


Dr. Betty Martini says "the controversy rages over
Splenda (sucralose). Is it safe and natural like sugar or is it a chlorinated
hydrocarbon? As lawsuits fly, consider the chemistry of this artificial

She adds: "The FDA denied approval of aspartame
for 16 years, then caved in to political/economic pressure when Don Rumsfeld,
CEO of the manufacturer, was brought to Washington by Ronald Reagan. A
new FDA Commissioner was appointed to approve it then became a consultant
for NutraSweet's public relations firm for $1,000/day on a 10 year contract.
Forthcoming has been a global epidemic of disability and death. One might
expect FDA to be more cautious next time, yet FDA approved the toxic chlorocarbon
Splenda without hesitation and without any long term testing on human subjects."

Dr. Betty Martini
9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 and
770 242-2599


By James Bowen, M.D.

(c) 2003

In a simple word you would just as soon have DDT in your food as Splenda, because sucralose is a chlorocarbon. The chlorocarbons have long been famous for causing organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. It should be no surprise, therefore, that the testing of sucralose, even at less than the level demanded by FDA rules, reveals that it has been shown to cause up to 40%shrinkage of the thymus: A gland that is the very foundation of our immune system. It also causes swelling of the liver and kidneys, and CALCIFICATION of the kidney.

Lying and deceit on the artificial sweetener issue has been the FDA's Modus Operandi ever since Donald Rummsfeld broke everything decent in the US government to put Aspartame on the market as a "contract on humanity". It has no commercial purpose other than a contract on humanity. Either they have done but little testing of sucralose, or they are so afraid of what the public would think of sucralose, and the government if the public but knew what was going on, that they will not tell us! BECAUSE: we have been told nothing about the extensive studies which would have to have been done if very reasonable, and scientifically sound FDA rules had been followed.

Such study results as have been made known, catches the company in great big whopper lies! When questioned about the Thymus shrinkage which would disqualify sucralose forever, by the FDA's own rules, the company merely said. "Well the rats wouldn't eat the food with sucralose in it, so the thymus lost weight from starvation." The FDA allowed that explanation even though it was an admission that the rats hadn't ingested the required amount of sucralose, but had demonstrated immense damage anyway! In fact, if research animals won't voluntarily eat the required dose of experimental substance it can be given by gastric gavage, which is a common and well-known research method. Moreover, the rats so fed were only 7-20% underweight Vs the average for the control group. Rats who are severely starved to create a 30% weight loss, only shrink their thymus by
an average of 7%. The net conclusion from all this is, that both the thymus shrinkage and
the growth retardation caused by sucralose were enough to in each case disqualify sucralose from the marketplace.

All of these KNOWN findings only pointed out that the testing was so flawed that it could never be used as a basis for approval on one hand, and that the effects which were detected anyway were so severe that sucralose should never be allowed into the human body. It should be classified right along with DDT, and dioxin as illegal to even release into the environment much less put into your body!

The company blandly and heinously denied that sucralose is a chlorocarbon. They stated that it was merely a salt, like sodium chloride! That whopper wouldn't even get past a sophomore chemistry student. Facts, and concern for human welfare are obviously irrelevant in our Bush dominated government, and the Rummsfeld dominated media. What their incredulously lying statements about what sucralose is, did bring to mind though, is that it flies in the face of what its known breakdown product , 1, 6, dichloro,
fructose, is: Another highly toxic chlorocarbon. They admittedly did not do toxicity studies on it, as FDA rules require, or perhaps the findings were so dangerous that they felt it better to confess to the "minor omission", of not even complying with the law and doing the required studies! They further tried to side step the toxicity issue by saying "Sucralose is not even absorbed from the digestive tract anyway, because it is after all, a chlorocarbon.": Another bold faced lie. Chlorocarbons are significantly
absorbed from the digestive tract and sucralose is no exception! It is significantly absorbed from the GI tract. Of course, at that point their lies had compounded and contradicted themselves.

What you need to know about sucralose is that it is of a class of compounds which places it amongst some of the most dangerous chemicals on earth. The known studies, and science verify this fact. Lies and dissimulations, which have been totally, and inexcusably left unchecked by the FDA, point to gross governmental/corporate corruption, and massive cover up and peril. They say "Oh, It's just made from sugar, what could be more natural and


Dr. Jim Bowen

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