From: Tony ॐ
Date: Jun 12, 2008 6:40 PM
http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=2810030712910808186
While aspartame was the single focus in "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World", "Sweet Remedy" demonstrates that a corrupt flagship regulatory agency has given birth to numerous toxins in our food supply. A closer examination of the U.S. corporate power structure unveils a two-fold approach to manipulating the public. First, by attempting to shape public opinion and, second, by affecting an individual's ability to discern PR from the truth. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent selling neuro-toxic food additives to the public. In the United States and through each nation within its global corporate grasp, maintaining a healthy mind and body is an act of civil disobedience. Ultimately, healing has become the path of resistance for informed individuals improving their health. We interview a host of MD's and Natural Health practitioners to gain the clearest possible perspective for a path to recovery. Perhaps the sweetest remedy this film offers is the hope provided by witnessing a variety of groups as they withstand the confusion, casualties and obstacles involved with taking control of their food and their health. Includes Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jim Turner, ESQ, Dr. Michael Ruff, Dr. Candace Pert, Noam Chomsky, Sheldon Rampton, Jeffrey Smith, Jack Samuels, Terrol Dew Johnson, Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Spice Williams-Crosby, Larry Hagman, David Getoff, Howard Glasser, Sally Fallon, Robert Scott Bell, Arthur Evangelista, Betty Martini, and many more..
Sweet Remedy MySpace Page
Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=-566922170441334340
Excellent documentary showing how dangerous artificial sweetner Aspartame is. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at there food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic food that came into the world as an investment By Donald Rumsfeld, while ignoring the deadly effects the tests showed. Take a good look at this video, it could save lives...
Labels: sweet misery, sweet remedy, The Truth Is Out There