Sunday, June 22, 2008

RE: Brasscheck TV: White House Coup‏

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From: Lori
Date: Jun 22, 2008 12:28 PM

From: Nierika
Date: Jun 22, 2008 10:39 AM

Brasscheck TV: White House Coup‏

There was almost an armed coup in the US.

A Marine General was lined up to lead it...

Over 500,000 men were identified as potential
members of a private corporate army...

and the right wing press provided the propaganda
to cover it.

The year was 1934...

http://www. brasschecktv. com/page/346. html

- Brasscheck


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Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.

San Francisco, CA 94115
White House Coup


Fascist America...almost
You probably didn't learn this in school.

In 1934, a group of wealthy individuals and corporate leaders decided to force Roosevelt out of the White House - with violence if necessary.

A retired Marine General was recruited, half a million men were identified as potential members of a private army to carry out the coup, and the right wing press was on board to provide propaganda.

One of the conspirators: Prescott Bush, George W. Bush's grandfather.

How little things have changed.

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----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Shane (Infoseekr)
Date: Jun 12, 2008 9:01 PM

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From: Lori
Date: Jun 12, 2008 5:48 PM

From: ♥Chris&Adriane♥
Date: Jun 12, 2008 7:44 PM

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From: Lukifer
Date: Jun 12, 2008 5:35 PM

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From: SafetyJoe [Ron Paul 2008]
Date: Jun 12, 2008 5:31 PM

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From: ♪♠ Unique ♪♠
Date: Jun 12, 2008 8:24 PM

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From: βlue♥Sky♥Sunshine
Date: Jun 12, 2008 5:20 PM


http://campaignforliberty. com/ (to join)

Dear Supporter,

These past 17 months have been among the most exciting and eventful of my life. Together you and I delivered a message of freedom the likes of which American politics had not seen in decades. I wasn't sure the country was ready for it. But it was a message, I discovered, that many Americans had been waiting for a long time to hear..

I have been blessed with the most informed, well read, and enthusiastic supporters of any presidential campaign. Your extraordinary efforts in organizing and fundraising grabbed the attention of millions of Americans and shocked just about everyone in politics and the media. I still cannot get over all the fantastic work you did..

Something of great significance has just occurred in our country's history..

With the primary season now over, the presidential campaign is at an end. But the larger campaign for freedom is just getting started..

Therefore, I am happy to announce the official launch of the Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty..

The work of the Campaign for Liberty will take many forms. We will educate our fellow Americans in freedom, sound money, non-interventionism, and free markets. We'll have our own commentaries and videos on the news of the day. I'll work with friends I respect to design materials for homeschoolers..

Politically, we'll expand the great work of our precinct leader program. We'll make our presence felt at every level of government, where just a few people with our level of enthusiasm can make a world of difference. We'll keep an eye on Congress and lobby against legislation that threatens us. We'll identify and support political candidates who champion our great ideas against the empty suits the party establishments offer the public..

We will be a permanent presence on the American political landscape. That I promise you. We're not about to let all this good work die. To the contrary, with your help we're going to make it grow – by leaps and bounds..

This is the most ambitious venture of my political career, and I think it can achieve great things. But I can't do this alone. I need you to help me. I need your energy, your creativity, your ideas, and your dedication..

People frustrated with our political system often wonder what they can do. I have founded this organization to answer that question, to give people the opportunity to do something that really makes a difference in the fight for freedom. Please join me by becoming a member of the Campaign for Liberty. Our goal is 100,000 members by September..

Can we reach it?

Our campaign netted 1.1 million votes in the primaries of a shrinking Republican Party. Millions more support us. I need you to help me reach them – and to keep making new converts to the cause. What a force we can be, if only we rise to the occasion..

Now what about the Republican Convention in St. Paul? Our delegates will attend, of course, and I expect our contingent to have a visible presence there. Without disruption, we will do whatever we can to influence the party and its platform, and return the GOP to its limited-government roots. This is very important..

This brings me to my second announcement..

I invite you to join us at Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota on Tuesday, September 2nd, for a grand rally..

We intend to draw over 11,000 people. We'll have live music and entertainment, and special guests. I'll address you all as well. A massive rally will generate still more interest in our ideas. And what a great time it will be..

Remember that it was Senator Robert Taft, who shared our views, who was called Mr. Republican. But we are not merely the Republican Party's past. If the enthusiasm of young people for our campaign is any indication, we are also its future..

Right now I will need your patience and input as we develop our program and assemble just the right team of individuals. But it is my intention to launch the Campaign for Liberty in its full capacity at our rally in Minneapolis this September..

Over the past week we've learned that the Democratic presidential nominee, supposedly an antiwar candidate, is committed to the same rhetoric, the same propaganda, and the same aggressive intentions toward Iran as the Bush administration. As usual, the major parties refuse to offer Americans a real choice..

The Campaign for Liberty will lay the groundwork for a different America, the kind of America you and I, and millions of our fellow countrymen, want to inhabit..

"Dr. Paul cured my apathy," a popular campaign sign read. Others said our campaign cured their cynicism..

We have now reached a moment of great moral decision: will we let ourselves retreat into apathy and cynicism once again, or will we dig in for the long haul and fight all the harder? Will we retire from the scene quietly, or will we give the establishment the fight of its life?

"In the final analysis," I wrote in my new book The Revolution: A Manifesto, "the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves. If the people want to be free, if they want to lift themselves out from underneath a state apparatus that threatens their liberties, squanders their resources on needless wars, destroys the value of their dollar, and spews forth endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we would all be without it, there is no force that can stop them..


The time has come to act on these words. May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in a moment of great crisis, stood up to the politicians, the opinion-molders, and the establishment, and saved their country..

Join us, and be a part of it..

For liberty,

Ron Paul | Signature

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RE: Some very interesting info on the BIG LIE WE CALL 9/11!

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From: Pan Man
Date: Jun 22, 2008 1:06 PM

Question from my friend about the WTC magic "planes":
Have you ever flown a 757 at 500 MPH in to a skyscraper? If not, how would you know what it would do?

I've never been around the world but I know it's not flat

flat earth

Earth is Flat

I've never touched the sun but I know it's hot

Massive Solar Flare

I did take an aluminum baseball bat and smash it against a cinder block wall after striking out with 2 men on in the ninth.... and it bent really bad... but it didn't go through the cinder block, nor did it vaporize, even though the bat head speed was incredible

Jared with Baseball bat

It did, however, break two of my fingers! LOL!

Aluminum hull planes, including 4 mammoth titanium alloy engines, passengers, crew, 400 seats, luggage, steel refrigerators, toilets, 4 black boxes and all the other various grades and shapes of matter on board can't "vaporize" while at the same time gouging through reinforced concrete walls and steel frame support girder mesh grids the size of trees while exploding inside the buildings...including the Pentagon, where the penetration of the "vaporized plane" smashed through 4 rings leaving a Cruise Missile sized punch out hole

If there was no Boeing 757 wreckage at the Pentagon...and none of the 80 plus security cams (including several that would have filmed the impact of a giant 757 point blank)are to be made available to the public by the FBI who confiscated and removed all "wreckage" and video evidence within minutes from the historically horrific mass murder crime scene(?), and no plane wreckage or bodies, etc at Shanksville (which supposedly just crashed in to soft dirt, leaving a hole no bigger than an in ground swimming pool), then why would anyone not expect the lies about 9/11 to extend to the ill fated WTC...including Building number 7 which was not hit by a plane and had very small localized fires before it was "pulled" with explosive charges that had to be professionally set days, weeks or months in advance? By the way, don't forget that Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker (as in George Walker Bush) were in charge of WTC and Dulles Security UNTIL 9/11

Spend the next year reading, listening, watching and thinking about all the enormous body of evidence that screams from the top of it's huge pile...9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!



RE: Will we all be forced to join the Armed Resistance Movement?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Pan Man
Date: Jun 12, 2008 10:20 PM

Has it really been allowed to go this far? Did all of our state and federal government representatives turn a blind eye and deaf ear to us by accident or are they all a part of a plan to usher in the New World Oder in return for special privileges and protection for themselves and their families? Are they all a part of the Continuity of Government Conspiracy?

How else could this happen?9/11? bin Laden? Hussein? The Patriot Act? The Military Commissions Act? The "WAR ON TERROR??? WMD's? Afghanistan? Iraq? Presidential Directive 51? House Bill 1954 and S1959 Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act? "Enemy Combatants"? Habeas Corpus? Depleted uranium munitions used on civilian targets? Torture and the suspension of the Geneva Convention at Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and dozens of other "remanded secret prisons" around the world? 800 plus FEMA/Homeland Security Domestic Concentration, Quarantine and Detention Camps? Fixed elections and media complicity?
A $9.





If everyone in politics and media ain't in on this, how fucking stupid, incompetent and cowardly can they be to just set back and let the NWO/CFR/corporate military and gangbanksters flush us and the Constitutional Republic of the USA down the toilet on their watch? How can real human beings with hearts, minds and souls allow a million Afghani, Iraqi and (soon) Iranian men, women and over a half million innocent children
be sacrificed for to Big Oil and the Zionist agenda in the middle east?
If the American People don't rise up and demand that every elected official shall immediately act to preserve, protect and defend America from this massive and evil Inside Job of Terrorism, then all who fail to abide by their sacred oath shall be arrested and tried by a jury of their peers as Treasonists!

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From: Elect Micah Dardar 2nd District U. S. House of Reps
Date: Jun 12, 2008 8:29 PM




RE: If U reamain on the Grid U R choosing 2 stay in the Matrix!

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From: Pan Man
Date: Jun 12, 2008 3:51 PM

When it comes to thinking up new ways to get off the grid, I am sure my friends...who are literally the smartest people in the world...will find many ways to improve on all of this and then pass it forward by posting their own bulletins on how to get the hell off the stinking "New World Oder" Dependency Grid!
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From: Bad2thebone
Date: Jun 12, 2008 2:32 PM

Thank you Truth Hurts ~ A Pain Necessary To Cure
Date: Jun 12, 2008 2:23 PM

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From: Rogue
Date: Jun 12, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: How To Construct Rain Barrels/Garden w/o H2o

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From: Kindness of Strangers~Live Green saves Wildlife
Date: Jun 12, 2008 1:07 PM

There are 3 bulletins here, i just looked at my water bill and even though we are converting our edible landscape into more xeroscape with food plants close together it was huge (probably because the new xeroscape plants need a lot of water until they get established)!

How to construct a rain barrel

Thank you so much for this video!
Healing Wonder Woman CBE


i love Black Warrior Riverkeeper and urge all my friends to support their great work!

Thank you!

You can save water and money by using a rain barrel to catch and store water for your lawn and indoor/outdoor plants… Rain barrels come in many shapes and sizes, including inexpensive plastic models and classic wooden ones… Both types, or even small barrels for apartment dwellers, can be purchased by calling Red Rain at 205-862-6206

Shipping available anywhere across this great nation!

i have posted 7 BIG bulletins about gardening and permaculture, all are condensed into two blogs, here i the 7th

Kindness of Strangers~Live Green saves Wildlife

How & Why to install a Grey Water System

"With the increasing consumption and higher likelihood of intense droughts, there will be some hard decisions to make regarding water use…the environment competes for scarce resources alongside cities and agriculture… This is seen in the Colorado River Delta, which is less and than 10 percent of its original size and is sustained by a agricultural runoff and municipal wastewater…[it] was once a rich habitat for wildlife and indigenous people, but after damning and diverting the river, [it] began to lose its lifeblood…"

—Karen Hyun

When we first bought our house we had David Bloom give a workshop about permaculture, he shared his experiences of teaching people to feed themselves, there is often a way to work in harmony with nature when we set that as our goal! Namasté, Nan

http://youtube. com/watch?v=sFpiO92laMA

To my shock i learned that some grey water systems are illegal unless you have a permit, this is a great video! The following quotation is the site where the grey water video came from:

"We had the privilege of attending a very hands on greywater workshop courtesy of The Greywater Guerillas, a local Bay Area crew of experts who are passionate about teaching folks to use their water (twice) wisely… Greywater is water that has been used once in your home and only contains a little soap, dirt (from laundry or skin) or kitchen particles like food or grease… Unlike blackwater, which is water that has touched excrement, like toilet water, greywater is safe to use in watering your garden… As Laura Allen, co-editor of the book Dam Nation: Dispatches from the Water Underground, and our amazing instructor points out in this video: You don't want to put the greywater onto the part of the plant that you're going to eat…if you get the water going into the ground, there are no more health risks than would be [if you are] going out and eating dirt from your garden… So you want to get the greywater into the ground soaking down to irrigate the roots of your plants

We were able to do just this in home owner Tara Hui's backyard… We replaced her kitchen sink pipe with a 3 way valve giving her the choice to send her sink water back to the sewer or out to the greywater system of pipes and mulch basins surrounding four fruit trees… The system was relatively simple and inexpensive… Total price was $200 for all new pipes which included a $60 top of the line 3 way valve, a bunch of 2 way splitters and under a hundred feet of piping… If you live close to a salvage yard or are savvy on Freecycle or Craigslist you can get these materials for way cheaper or even free

Laura touches on some of the legality of systems like this: California has a greywater code so greywater theoretically is legal…some states have no code so greywater is not legal… In California, you have the potential to do greywater…that said, the code that's written down for greywater is very, very wasteful, it's very bad, most people don't follow it… In California most people have unpermitted systems which are…technically illegal, just as building anything unpermitted is technically illegal

There are a few states, like Arizona, that encourage safe and resourceful greywater systems like the one we built here… So find out what your state allows before cutting into your pipes… But if you're like these Californians and your state codes are no good, you'll want to find some greywater experts to consult and keep in touch with to help change the codes for better"

How Much Food Can I Grow Around My House?

http://youtube. com/watch?v=XyVNAgrbQz4&feature=related

Worm Composting 101 for fast, free, nutrient rich, water-conserving mulch

http://youtube. com/watch?v=GcqTiy9xE6I&feature=related

Xeroscape Gardening (usually does not deal with food production)

The Produce Garden- 10 ways to save water in the garden

http://youtube. com/watch?v=Tgm9oQ_S2bA

http://youtube. com/watch?v=5llncjlz5Kg&feature=related

Thank you!

By Sally Bickley

Desert gardeners face conditions that would challenge any gardener: less than ten inches of rainfall annually; rocky or caliche (clay) soil with few nutrients; extremes of temperature and weather; and, oh, a bit of wind

This article was written for the New Mexico area, however the principles apply to most of the deserts in the Southwest

Desert gardeners reap benefits which gardeners in the north yearn for… Long growing seasons mean active gardening for nine to twelve months of the year… Semi-tropical plants survive in protected areas… An assortment of flowers, grasses, cacti, shrubs, vegetables and trees thrive in this environment, providing exciting design ideas for a desert garden

Gardens and small farms of Southern New Mexico, which lies at the northern reach of the Chihuahuan Desert, were historically located in river bottoms and small canyons… There, they were sheltered from the wind and extreme temperatures… Away from the river bottoms, growing traditional flowers and plants in the Chihuahuan zone is a colossal task… Raised beds, amended soil, shade, wind protection, animal protection, and lots of water are required for plants not adapted to severe desert conditions

A soil test will save many headaches when establishing a garden above the river bottoms… The results will guide you in preparing your site… Almost always, the soil will need nitrogen, but the results of a soil test will specify the exact amendments your landscape needs… If you have caliche, the cement that stops water six to twenty inches below the soil, you must physically break it up, or garden in raised beds

A drip irrigation system produces the healthiest plants with the least water use because the water penetrates the soil slowly without compacting… Uncompacted soil has room for oxygen, which is necessary for good plant growth… Drip irrigation encourages plants to develop extensive root systems, flourishing on less water than conventional sprinkling

Compost and mulch work with the drip system to help plants thrive… Compost is decomposed vegetable matter you can buy or make yourself (over time)… Mixed in with the soil, it adds nutrients… In some areas of the Chihuahuan Desert, there is less than one percent organic matter in the soil… Compost acts like a sponge to keep nutrients in the soil and slowly release them to the plants' roots

Mulch is placed on the surface of the soil… Use whatever it takes to keep the moisture in and weeds out… Old newspapers laid in garden rows work as mulch, and the newspapers break down after a season, adding to the organic matter in the dirt… Wood chips, dry lawn clippings, old straw and pine needles all work to keep the dirt from drying out… Sawdust is not recommended because it removes nitrogen, an important nutrient


Some desert gardens use microclimates to benefit the plants… North facing walls provide cool shaded areas… Roofs, sidewalks and streets create areas of high water runoff for collection… Cool air flows into valleys… Be aware of walls and paving which add heat and channel winds… The microclimate includes variables such as sunlight, temperature, exposure, humidity and wind… Big differences can be found in microclimates among neighboring houses

Groves of small trees or shrubs provide wind control and create "outdoor rooms" for microclimates… Form a mini-oasis by grouping moisture-loving plants where they can absorb collected rainwater… Color influences microclimates, as dark rocks or walls retain heat, and white reflects it


Surprisingly, even cactus gardeners face a challenge in the Chihuahuan desert… Much colder than the famous Sonoran desert of Arizona and Northern Mexico, the higher altitude of the Chihuahuan desert creates problems for non-native cacti [Note from Kindness: prickly pears are delicious and easy to grow in Northren California's bay area, you can even grow Luther Burbank's spineless variety]

Gardner Mary Lou McCord brought four hundred pots of cactus with her when she moved to Southern New Mexico’s eastern Sierra County from Tucson three years ago… An avid cactus collector, she found many of her plants didn't survive the cold winter and strong, drying winds

Mary Lou remarks, "Cacti love alkali soil, and they can be very adaptable… If conditions are right, cacti don't require a lot of care" Two Joshua Trees transplanted from Tucson are doing well in her extreme climate

For those wanting to grow a cactus garden, Mary Lou advises to dig down three feet to prepare the bed, and take the soil away… Mix gravel and sand to achieve a well-drained medium… She threw in rocks and pot shards for substantial drainage… "Drainage is the key, no matter what," Mary Lou explains… "If cactus get soggy, they rot… Real sandy soil needs more organic matter, such as peat moss or potting soil” She sculpted terraces and small mounds… Recently Mary Lou added some black lava rock, to give tender plants more warmth and heat

Dave Lamb, co-owner of Buffalo Bill's Exotic Cactus Ranch, located in Truth or Consequences, NM, recommends digging a gallon-sized hole in the ground to check for drainage… Fill it with water and check the time it takes to empty… Two to four hours is good drainage… If it takes longer to drain, add gravel, or coarse sand

Plant a yucca in the hottest, driest, coldest, most unproductive spot in your area, "There are fifteen to seventeen different yucca varieties," Dave continues, "The soap tree grows ten to fifteen feet tall, while the soap weed variety grows lower to the ground… Some yuccas grow five to six inches a year… Joshua trees and datil yucca are tall types that branch out and have a lot of “

Dave's advice for transplanting a cactus: "Protect yourself" Mark the north side of the cactus with chalk before digging up, and then orient it in the same direction when planting… Leave the cactus out of the ground for a week, out of direct sun to let cut or torn areas heal over before planting

Use a rope, a rolled up plastic garbage bag or a towel to wrap around the cactus… Wrap the towel around the middle of the cactus, and lift the towel, positioning the cactus in its location… It might take two people, if it's a large plant… "Experiences teaches you not to grab fast, you get too prickled," Dave explains

Vegetable Gardens

Vegetable growing can be wonderful in this region if the gardener ameliorates the harsh conditions… Hot weather crops, such as beans, tomatoes, corn and okra start early in February or March, blooming and setting fruit before the high summer heat… In August, it's time to plant cool weather crops: lettuce, broccoli, spinach and carrots… A variety of food can be grown in a small area by paying attention to the two, possibly more, growing seasons

Desert Garden Design

Diminishing the harsh aspects of the desert is important in any desert garden… Wind, sun and glare rob plants of moisture… Designing a garden from scratch, or improving an existing one, requires planning and work before anything gets planted

Modify the contours of the land, adding raised berms and scraping arroyos or basins for water movement or collection… Plan for traffic patterns when laying out sidewalks or paths… Design a watering system and add nutrients to the soil… Decide how to mulch

Orient a shady patio to minimize the heat and glare during the hot seasons… Be aware of the daily movement of the sun from east to west and seasonally from north to south when planning the shade structure… Group shrubs and trees together… Design an arroyo, or dry stream bed, lined with gravel and river rocks, with plants alongside… A small fountain or trickle of water attracts birds, adds pleasant sounds and a little humidity… Plant native grasses or wildflowers to suggest a meadow

Using native plants already adapted to the area increases success in desert gardening… Grasses, shrubs, trees and wildflowers are being used in innovative ways to create beautiful, hardy, water-wise and colorful landscapes


For those who do not know i usually do environmental and nutritional education work through Kindness of Strangers a project of the 501 (c) 3 non-profit International Humanities Center

Add my myspace site at Kindness of Strangers~Greenliving saves Wildlife

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RE: The Revolution Never Comes With A Warning...Its Not 4 TV!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Pan Man
Date: Jun 12, 2008 4:12 PM

When the Resistance has had enough of being ignored, it will become the Revolution overnight! The blind arrogance of the enemy is our greatest strength!

If You are Distracted by Fake Things, You Will Miss It!



RE: Check out this video: Truth Music Video

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Cattle
Date: Jun 21, 2008 4:16 PM

Check out this video: Truth Music Video


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