RE: Ed and Elaine Brown's Jamboree a huge success thanks to DHS!
From: Pan Man
Date: Jul 17, 2007 9:22 AM
Don't you just love it when the enemy volunteers for dumbass duty?
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: .:Truth Seeker:.
Date: Jul 17, 2007 8:06 AM
From: Poker Face
Date: 17 Jul 2007, 01:35 AM
[b]by Jack Blood[/b]
The local newspaper headlines rang with dire warnings for all who would attend the Live Free or Die jamboree held on Ed and Elaine Brown's front yard July 14th.
"That's an illegal gathering, and it's not a safe situation for anybody to really go to, and the people who go there have to realize that. . . . We can't say it's safe for anybody to go there. We will not send emergency vehicles into this area, no matter what." said Plainfield Police Chief Gordon Gillens.

Gillens also warned people in advance that no emergency services would be provided for concert goers as it was too dangerous to send them in to the area. Attendees were also warned that many would be armed and again were on there own if anything should turn ugly.
(The so called police presence was thin with only Chief Gillens, and officer O Sullivan at the bottom of the road, though reports of Federal officers coming and going were constant. The Brown's were kind enough to send the boys some hamburgers which they appreciated and consumed.)
Ed Brown responded by assuring the police that he didn't need any assistance by the city or state, and that we were perfectly capable of handling whatever might happen.
But assistance he received as airspace was closed over Plainfield through Boston and surrounding airports while a mysterious white helicopter circled the crowd of 200 for about 6 hours, flying so low at times it appeared to be coming in for a landing. At one point, after apparently refueling… The chopper returned appearing about 100 feet out of the trees. It must have been lying low in silent mode before it jumped out and buzzed the crowd. It felt like apocalypse now, Vietnam or Iraq.

The chopper was traced by its ubiquitous ID numbers N187AE as solo artist Dave Cahill was tearing through a blistering set on stage. With the help of GCN radio host Mike Rivero of we were able to determine that the helicopter was created exclusively for the US Government, and was registered to Homeland Security, and this was announced to the live audience and live web viewers.
Ed Brown at one point called the FAA to warn them that the chopper was too low, and could be in harm's way as a commercial fireworks show was planned for later that evening. It seems to be debatable at this time whose airspace DHS was operating in, state or federal. It would seem that DHS can and will do what they want just the same.
I had the opportunity to interview Chief Gillens about this and in fact it was news to him. Ironically, he wasn't in the loop until we alerted him to the situation regarding DHS. He had been superseded by the Feds repeatedly that day, and Gillens like the rest of us was at their mercy.
Maybe this was the culmination of Michael (the Devil) Chertoff's "gut Feeling" and concert goers were all relieved that any attempt by Al Qaeda to attack the Brown home would be thwarted by the DHS Chopper.
In my opinion it was incredibly clumsy to have sent this chopper to harass the Browns, and their guests as I was grateful for the expensive show of force on peace loving constitutionalists. If I could have I would have paid them to do it… It looked great for the many cameras the event, and must have been thrilling for those watching on the myriad of live web casts. A perfect example of what we are talking about, and succinct imagery to go with the anti police state music and message echoing throughout day. You really couldn't have planned it better I thought, and DHS played right into our hands.

At one point, as darkness closed in, and after hours of constant buzzing and low level hovering (no doubt recording every move we made for future reference) the crowd became bolder. Ed had gone down into a pasture for reconnaissance which was certainly concerning as the chopper with a sniper could have easily taken him out. Flanked by videographer Terry Melton, and backed up by myself and others proudly defying the DHS Chopper while holding banners for "From Freedom to Fascism" and making "certain" hand gestures…. The laugh was on them.
A spotlight war began as one Brown supporter hit the chopper with a high powered light beam while the white helicopter answered back with a flood of light of their own.
As for the event itself? It was an overwhelming success!
The music was excellent and perfectly placed. Opening the show was a message by Ed and Elaine who seemed overjoyed by the attention, and support. Dave Von Kliest of the GCN Morning show The Power Hour did a great job opening with his original tune, "Show Me The Law"

(All gave heart felt talks for the roaring crowd) next up was the cool organ driven tunes of Paperback Radio who came in by private bus from NJ and sounded awesome under the 80 degree sun.

The headliner Pokerface blistered the stage for 90 minutes playing many of their hits including "America", "the Watchmen" and and "Prayer For America"< Labels: aaron russo, aftf, america freedom to fascism, DHS, ed brown, Elaine Brown, gandolfo
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