Sunday, April 22, 2007

RE: WHY did FBI, NSA, or CIA delete Cho Seung-Hui's Myspace ?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: RFK Jr. 2008
Date: Apr 22, 2007 10:00 AM

How can you tell that they deleted it ???
Go to Search.
Under "Find Someone You Know"
Enter Cho's hotmail address in the search function and check email. What happens ???
(The press revealed that one of Cho's email addresses was
BLAZERS5505@HOTMAIL.COM so do a search of Blazers5505 if you doubt the veracity of my claim.)
What happens ???
Well usually if you have a "hit" the profile will come up with your default photo. (try it with your own email address)
What happens when you enter Cho Seung-Hui's email address ?
You get a "hit".
"Find a Friend
Results for BLAZERS5505@HOTMAIL.COM 1 of 1"

AND NO PHOTO OR LINK TO THE PROFILE associated with that email address. ALSO, if you check out his first victim's myspace profile, the profile for Emily Hilscher (
you'll notice that she supposedly has 9 Myspace friends AND yet if you click to view all of her Myspace friends, only 8 are visible. ALSO, somebody logged into her profile AFTER she died. ALSO, check out her profile.
Then think about the image the media has been forcing down your throat about her. Could it be that the 9th friend who is missing is Cho's profile ? ALL is not as it seems people.
ALL is not as it seems.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President In 2008

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Blogger Sageb1 said...

there is now 7 friends on emily's myspace page.

looks like someone else doesn't want to be associated with her.

as well, the fact that Cho was taking Deviant Behavior in Norris Hall suggests he had planned this mass killing probably since circa December 2005.

5/7/07, 7:26 PM  

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