Sunday, April 22, 2007

RE: Maritime Law declares you are nothing more than LIVESTOCK

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: frEinLy Fier ll9 reLAvTicN (eMenY TeRriBaList)
Date: Apr 22, 2007 12:49 AM

You are admirable property of the Government

From: Big AL
Date: Apr 21, 2007 9:45 PM

Thanks To Aristocutionor
Date: Apr 21, 2007 8:26 PM

Now think kids, who is in control of all the banks "World Bank" I know you can do it ,c-mon !

You are admirable property of the Government

Corporate Law is your enemy

The reason capitalism has gone awry is that a Corporation has all the rights and privileges of a living person.

"Corporate law" is and always has been to vehicle of oppression. This is different than private ownership of property by individuals.

The Constitution says that Government can NOT own property. So, the Banksters formed Corporations, gave them all the rights and privileges of a person, and declared (stoled) ownership of "public lands/resources".

This illegal usurpation of the limits of Government by the Constitution is demonstrated by the "selling" (stealing) of a public interstate highway in Texas. Who owns the highway? - We the People do - we paid for it and it is not the Governments' to sell.

We the People need to demand (at the point of force if the Courts do not hear the case based on the entanglement of 2 million + corporate laws, rules, regulations, executive orders....) that the Federal Reserve be abolished: and that the US Government (the elected Government - not the Corporate Government) be in charge of US currency as mandated by the Constitution. Did you know that Congress has the option of buying out the Federal Reserve for $1billion? Why haven't they done that?

A Corporation is a piece of paper. It is NOT a creation of the Creator - It has NO unalienable rights. It has NO innate Sovereignty - only living persons have innate Sovereignty - PERIOD!!!

The only way a living person forfeits sovereignty and unalienable rights is by indebtedness (if the Terms and Conditions dictate their abdication). Did you abdicate your Rights guaranteed in the Constitution? Probably not; but, your elected Government Officials did. They are complicit in stealing property the Government does not, and has never legally owned.

This false notion of "ownership" of the resources (land) via corporate law is seen in the IMF and WTO - privatization of land and resources within the jurisdictional territory of any nation. (World without borders)

The NAU is rapidly becoming a product of secret treaties (corporate agreements) - "it's just business".

In the course of events, the Corporate false Government of the US has hocked the entire territory of the united States to the Banksters, and foreign countries holding US fiat dollars can claim the US Corporate governments' (stolen) "assets" in exchange for fiat money.

In the '70s (when Japan was buying US assets) the argument was that Japan couldn't take the "assets" to Japan. Two things: If you do NOT own land you can be evicted. And, your Corporate Government made you a Corporation at birth - you are an "asset" that can be traded for debt. Yes, YOU!!!

You, a Sovereign living person are claimed as an "asset" of the United States OF AMERICA CORPORATION. And, your elected officials not only allowed it, they voted for it. You are the stolen property of the US CORPORATION, and it (including you) is (by way of Corporate Law) the property of the Banksters.

This is ALL illegal - but, if you do not DEMAND a change in corporate law (i.e, the abolishing of Corporate ownership of land and resources that only sovereign living people can Constitutionally own), you will see people evicted from their land by foreign nationals for the balancing of corporate finances. You could "legally" be sold as slaves to satisfy the Banksters' debt.

It is Corporate Law that looks to dissolve ALL national sovereignty of ALL nations. The NWO of a "world without borders" has at its roots in the theft of sovereignty of living persons, and of the earth itself.

Get out of debt!
Own your Land!
Dissolve ALL the ownership of persons and property by Corporations - especially the Corporation that represents you as property of the Government.

This is simple - Laws necessary to correct this Corporate theft and usurpation of sovereignty are easy to legislate. Why hasn't this been done? Because We the People haven't DEMANDED it, and because our elected officials have made themselves Aristocrats via corporate law.

Voting Democrat? Republican? It makes no difference at all so long as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is permitted to exist.

These changes back to a Constitutional Republic would cause a collapse of the entire economic system? So what! It is well on its way to collapse due the vain philosophy of geo-political economics. Provided an economic collapse, are you better off a sovereign person with unalienable rights or as a slave?


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