RE: Merry Nimrodmass to all my friends!
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Stop demonic attacks!
Date: Dec 25, 2007 10:42 PM
I hope your not in the "holiday spirit" - because you def didn't get it from Him.

"NIMROD" - The LORD of Christmas
"Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife,
Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life
of the dead Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. December 25th, was the birthday of Nimrod. This is the real origin of the Christmas tree."
-The Plain Truth About Christmas by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005
"Traditionally, a yule log was burned in the fireplace on Christmas Eve and during the night as the log's embers died, there appeared in the room, as if by magic, a Christmas tree surrounded by gifts. The yule log
represented the sun-god Nimrod and the Christmas tree represented himself resurrected as his own son Tammuz." --After Armageddon -Chapter 4 Where do we get our ideas? by John A. Sarkett
"So our Christmas tree -- and our yule log -- have tremendous meaning, but not a Christian meaning. The yule log is the dead Nimrod, human ruler of
ancient Babylon, who was eventually deified as the sun incarnate, and hence a god. The Christmas tree is mystical Tammuz, the slain god come to life again." --After Armageddon -Chapter 4 Where do we get our ideas? by John A. Sarkett
The Real Origin of Christmas
"The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. It is bound up in the organized apostasy with which Satan has gripped a deceived world these many centuries! In Egypt, it was always believed that
the son of Iris (Egyptian name for "Queen of Heaven") was born December 25th. Semiramis also bore the title "Queen of Heaven" - and she was Nimrod's mother. Paganism celebrated this famous birthday over most
of the known world for centuries before the birth of Christ." -The Plain Truth About Christmas by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005
"Christmas as a pagan holiday traces back thousands of years before to a man named Nimrod, founder of ancient pagan Babylon." -Christmas Unwrapped From the History Channel by Alan Mansager
"December 25 was highly honored and recognized by Nimrod's supporters...Many centuries later this pagan custom was "Christianized" as being the birthday of Christ." -The True Origin of Christmas and Other Holidays Who Was Really Born On December 25? The Gilead Institute of America
"Lent, Easter and Christmas are of Babylonian origin." -EASTER AND CHRISTMAS PAGANISM 2000 B.C. TO DATE by Edward Stevens (1895-1966)
"December 25th was celebrated as Nimrod's birthday. Generally, all mankind is fast asleep, dreaming this old Babylonian dream."
-The Story Of Nimrod, As It Relates To Christmas And Easter by Wilhelm J Wolfaardt
A Deception of Satan
"Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25. But December 25th can be traced back to Genesis and a man named Nimrod. Nimrod was the founder
of a great false religious system that began in ancient Babylon that has always opposed the truths of God. It’s time we face facts! This world is deceived, just as God prophesied it would be (Rev. 12:9).
Satan is the power behind this deception. Satan has successfully pawned off the old customs of the Babylonian mystery religion as being pleasing
to Jesus Christ." Why Christmas is (Not) So Important to God
By Carl Hilliker and Mark Jenkins December 2002 article in; The Trumpet
A Corruption Against Jehovah God "As the people increased in number,
the Way of Jehovah was corrupted and a principal figure in those days was Nimrod, the grandson of Ham described as a mighty hunter
before Jehovah. The word 'before' used in this sense means, 'totally antagonistic to Jehovah.' We celebrate Christmas on a date which coincides
with the birthday of Nimrod - the villainous king of ancient Babylon."
-The Ensign Trust VOLUME I No.2 - JUNE 1999 'NARROW IS THE WAY' By Harry Lancaster
"Nimrod, who built Babel or Babylon, conceived a one world government model in rebellion against Jehovah-God and went about to establish a one world government in the land of Shinar (which is today known as Iraq) and institute a pagan worship system that rejected the Lord God Jehovah."
-- The Book; THE HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN The Nimrod - Druid Connection Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.© September 1998
"Not only has the original Babylonian religious system served as the source of all the world’s non-Christian religions, hut it has also infiltrated and corrupted Christendom to an alarming degree." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow
"Nimrod was a great grandson of Noah. Nimrod became a "mighty tyrant in the face of Jehovah." Much of the Babylonian worship was carried on through
mysterious symbols - thus the "Mystery" religion. This system of idolatry spread from Babylon to the nations, for it was from this location that men were scattered over the face of the earth (Gen. 11:9). As they went from Babylon, they took their occult worship and its various mystery symbols with them." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow
Nimrod and - His Mother - Semiramis were the -- "MODELS" --
after which Satan Fashioned all other False gods and goddesses
"Thus from Babylon emerged the entire complex of human "religion". the various gods and goddesses of Rome, Greece, India, Egypt, and other nations can be identified with corresponding gods from Babel."
--Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow
Here - Below - is a partial list of some gods that were fashioned after Nimrod -
according to Secular Scholars -

Christendom is Tied to False gods
Christendom will not admit, that by compromising with the pagans of
the world when adopting December 25th as Christ's birthday - they have
tied themselves into honoring all the pagan gods of the world.
How so ?
Almost all the pagan gods - who are nothing more than "Nimrod" reincarnated, all claim December 25th as their birthday. The list is exhaustive.
Many False Gods - Whose Birthday was "December 25" Fashioned After "NIMROD"
"December 25th - not only was Mithra, the sun-god of Mithraism, said to be born at this time of the year, but Osiris, Horus, Hercules, Bacchus, Adonis, Jupiter, Tammuz, and other sun-gods were also supposedly born at what is today called the "Christmas" season, the winter solstice! - Doane, p.474;
- "The Two Babylons; Alexander Hislop, p.93.
"The "winter solstice (December) was the time at which all the
sun-gods "from Osiris to Jupiter" and Mithra had celebrated
their (birthdays) - the celebration being adorned with
the pine tree of Adonis, the holly of Saturn, and the
mistletoe (of the pagan Druids).....tapers(candles) represented
the kindling of the newborn sun-god's fire..."
-Man and His Gods, p.201.
"Subtly...the old gods had entered their churches...
And they live still in the festivals of Christianity."
-(Testament: The Bible and History,
Romer, 1988, pp. 230-31)
In Sharp Contrast to Jesus
And here we have Jesus Christ who was born in a warm month when the
flocks were still outdoors at night - as ample proof that a compromise has been
made. December 25th was celebrated by the pagans in Christ's day, but
he and his early followers would have NO PART of it.
"It is evident that Jesus was NOT born during the middle of winter,
for at the time of his birth, the shepherds were living out in the fields
with their flocks. As the bible says: 'There were in the same country
shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night"
(Luke 2:8). As is well known, the shepherds in Palestine do NOT
"abide in the fields" during the winter season because of the extreme,
cold temperatures. The shepherds always bring their flocks in
from the mountain slopes and fields no later than October 15th! "
- Mede's Works, 1679. Discourse xlvii
Christ's First Followers -
REFUSED to Celebrate December 25th
"On your day of gladness, we [Christians] neither cover
our doorposts with wreaths, nor intrude upon the day with lamps.
At the call of public festivity, you consider it a proper thing
to decorate your house like some new brothel.
We are accused of a lower sacrilege because
we do not celebrate along with you the holidays ..."
- (Tertullian, (A.D. 155-220), 2001, p. 1176).
(quoted by David Bercot, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs,
1998, p. 342).
"The pagan Romans clad their doorposts with green and branching
laurels...In the Saturnalia...Presents come and go...There
and Banquets...yet Christians should have no acquaintance with
the festivals of the pagans."
- Tertullian, (A.D. 155-220),
quoted by David Bercot,
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, 1998, p. 342).
"In the days of Christ, December 25th
was sacred to the pagan Romans..."
-The Xmas Story Part 4
"Heathen Holidays" by Denise Snodgrass
"Familiar to early Christians was the Saturnalia,
an ancient Roman festival celebrated during the
last days of December in honour of Saturn, the god
of agriculture. The Saturnalia...was diametrically
opposed to the teachings of Christ."
- Hidden Truths About Christmas
UCG; Australia
"To the pagans, the Saturnalia was fun.
To the Christians, the Saturnalia was an
abomination in homage to a disreputable god
who had no existence anyway."
-4,000 Years of Christmas:
A Gift from the Ages (1997)
Earl Count
"At the time of persecution,
Christians were detected
by NOT decorating their houses
at the Saturnalia. The ancient Christians
were puritanically jealous of anything that
might seem like coqueting with idolatry. "
"Gift Giving - during the Roman festival of Saturnalia,
gifts were given as good luck emblems and houses were
decorated with greenery. The early Christians, however,
frowned on this pagan ritual, and wouldn't have any part of it."
- Christmas Traditions & Trivia
1999 HFCWillcox
"Faithful men of God who knew and loved
the Scriptures of truth fought against
the mingling of paganism with the name of Christ.
They were valiant in opposing the entry of
Christmas and its festivals among the believers."
-The Truth about CHRISTMAS
Flee from Idolatry
by R. F. Becker
"The early Christians discouraged the use of
evergreen decorations in Christian homes and
assemblies, because their display had long been
associated with heathen festivals."
-Campbell ; The Story of Christmas
But how quick Christendom was - to jump in bed with paganism.
No wonder she is called a whore.
"Babylon" - The Great
Jumping in Bed with Paganism
Spiritual Adultery / Spiritual Fornication
"Christianity has jumped in bed with paganism!"
-The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS!
William F. Dankenbring and John D. Keyser
"The wicked apostate Church fornicated spiritually
with the heathen, pagan religions of the world,
and "ADOPTED" the date of December 25th
as the "birth-day" of Jesus the Messiah,
who was born nowhere NEAR that time of year!"
-The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS!
William F. Dankenbring and John D. Keyser
"Christmas...was not instituted by Christ
or the apostles, nor by Bible authority.
It was picked up afterward from paganism.”
-Encyclopedia Britannica, 1946 edition
"...the whoredoms of all perverted Christian
religionists are still in essence the same old harlotry
which first found place and embodiment on the banks of
the Euphrates. It is the same old Babylon, and her harlot
daughters, bearing rule or kingdom upon the dominions of
the earth, and intoxicating the inhabitants thereof
out of the wine of her fornication. True religion and
an uncorrupted Church have never suited the
representatives of power, or pleased them long."
Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss
"The wine of old Babylon's fornication was a debauching
system of idol worship and carnal self-exaltation, over
and against the revelations and institutes of Jehovah.
It was already bottled and labelled before the first
dispersion (Confusion of Tongues at the Tower of Babel).
It went with that dispersion into every country and nation
under heaven. As a matter of fact, we find it to this day
among all the nations of the earth, affecting and controlling
their thinking, their policies, their faith, and their worship.
Not less than two-thirds of the population of the earth
at this hour are Pagan idolaters, drivelling under the same
old intoxication which came forth from Nimrod and Babylon."
Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss
"When the early church departed from God
and imbibed pagan errors, she became Babylon.."
- the International Sabbath School Quarterly,
Feb. 29, 1896
"It was by departure from the LORD,
and alliance with the heathen
that became a harlot."
- The Great Controversy, page 382.
In 1851, James White wrote :
'The woman, which is the great city, called Babylon,
symbolizes the fallen apostate churches'.... "
From: Stop demonic attacks!
Date: Dec 25, 2007 10:42 PM
I hope your not in the "holiday spirit" - because you def didn't get it from Him.

"NIMROD" - The LORD of Christmas
"Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife,
Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life
of the dead Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. December 25th, was the birthday of Nimrod. This is the real origin of the Christmas tree."
-The Plain Truth About Christmas by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005
"Traditionally, a yule log was burned in the fireplace on Christmas Eve and during the night as the log's embers died, there appeared in the room, as if by magic, a Christmas tree surrounded by gifts. The yule log
represented the sun-god Nimrod and the Christmas tree represented himself resurrected as his own son Tammuz." --After Armageddon -Chapter 4 Where do we get our ideas? by John A. Sarkett
"So our Christmas tree -- and our yule log -- have tremendous meaning, but not a Christian meaning. The yule log is the dead Nimrod, human ruler of
ancient Babylon, who was eventually deified as the sun incarnate, and hence a god. The Christmas tree is mystical Tammuz, the slain god come to life again." --After Armageddon -Chapter 4 Where do we get our ideas? by John A. Sarkett
The Real Origin of Christmas
"The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. It is bound up in the organized apostasy with which Satan has gripped a deceived world these many centuries! In Egypt, it was always believed that
the son of Iris (Egyptian name for "Queen of Heaven") was born December 25th. Semiramis also bore the title "Queen of Heaven" - and she was Nimrod's mother. Paganism celebrated this famous birthday over most
of the known world for centuries before the birth of Christ." -The Plain Truth About Christmas by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005
"Christmas as a pagan holiday traces back thousands of years before to a man named Nimrod, founder of ancient pagan Babylon." -Christmas Unwrapped From the History Channel by Alan Mansager
"December 25 was highly honored and recognized by Nimrod's supporters...Many centuries later this pagan custom was "Christianized" as being the birthday of Christ." -The True Origin of Christmas and Other Holidays Who Was Really Born On December 25? The Gilead Institute of America
"Lent, Easter and Christmas are of Babylonian origin." -EASTER AND CHRISTMAS PAGANISM 2000 B.C. TO DATE by Edward Stevens (1895-1966)
"December 25th was celebrated as Nimrod's birthday. Generally, all mankind is fast asleep, dreaming this old Babylonian dream."
-The Story Of Nimrod, As It Relates To Christmas And Easter by Wilhelm J Wolfaardt
A Deception of Satan
"Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25. But December 25th can be traced back to Genesis and a man named Nimrod. Nimrod was the founder
of a great false religious system that began in ancient Babylon that has always opposed the truths of God. It’s time we face facts! This world is deceived, just as God prophesied it would be (Rev. 12:9).
Satan is the power behind this deception. Satan has successfully pawned off the old customs of the Babylonian mystery religion as being pleasing
to Jesus Christ." Why Christmas is (Not) So Important to God
By Carl Hilliker and Mark Jenkins December 2002 article in; The Trumpet
A Corruption Against Jehovah God "As the people increased in number,
the Way of Jehovah was corrupted and a principal figure in those days was Nimrod, the grandson of Ham described as a mighty hunter
before Jehovah. The word 'before' used in this sense means, 'totally antagonistic to Jehovah.' We celebrate Christmas on a date which coincides
with the birthday of Nimrod - the villainous king of ancient Babylon."
-The Ensign Trust VOLUME I No.2 - JUNE 1999 'NARROW IS THE WAY' By Harry Lancaster
"Nimrod, who built Babel or Babylon, conceived a one world government model in rebellion against Jehovah-God and went about to establish a one world government in the land of Shinar (which is today known as Iraq) and institute a pagan worship system that rejected the Lord God Jehovah."
-- The Book; THE HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN The Nimrod - Druid Connection Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.© September 1998
"Not only has the original Babylonian religious system served as the source of all the world’s non-Christian religions, hut it has also infiltrated and corrupted Christendom to an alarming degree." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow
"Nimrod was a great grandson of Noah. Nimrod became a "mighty tyrant in the face of Jehovah." Much of the Babylonian worship was carried on through
mysterious symbols - thus the "Mystery" religion. This system of idolatry spread from Babylon to the nations, for it was from this location that men were scattered over the face of the earth (Gen. 11:9). As they went from Babylon, they took their occult worship and its various mystery symbols with them." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow
Nimrod and - His Mother - Semiramis were the -- "MODELS" --
after which Satan Fashioned all other False gods and goddesses
"Thus from Babylon emerged the entire complex of human "religion". the various gods and goddesses of Rome, Greece, India, Egypt, and other nations can be identified with corresponding gods from Babel."
--Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow
Here - Below - is a partial list of some gods that were fashioned after Nimrod -
according to Secular Scholars -

Christendom is Tied to False gods
Christendom will not admit, that by compromising with the pagans of
the world when adopting December 25th as Christ's birthday - they have
tied themselves into honoring all the pagan gods of the world.
How so ?
Almost all the pagan gods - who are nothing more than "Nimrod" reincarnated, all claim December 25th as their birthday. The list is exhaustive.
Many False Gods - Whose Birthday was "December 25" Fashioned After "NIMROD"
"December 25th - not only was Mithra, the sun-god of Mithraism, said to be born at this time of the year, but Osiris, Horus, Hercules, Bacchus, Adonis, Jupiter, Tammuz, and other sun-gods were also supposedly born at what is today called the "Christmas" season, the winter solstice! - Doane, p.474;
- "The Two Babylons; Alexander Hislop, p.93.
"The "winter solstice (December) was the time at which all the
sun-gods "from Osiris to Jupiter" and Mithra had celebrated
their (birthdays) - the celebration being adorned with
the pine tree of Adonis, the holly of Saturn, and the
mistletoe (of the pagan Druids).....tapers(candles) represented
the kindling of the newborn sun-god's fire..."
-Man and His Gods, p.201.
"Subtly...the old gods had entered their churches...
And they live still in the festivals of Christianity."
-(Testament: The Bible and History,
Romer, 1988, pp. 230-31)
In Sharp Contrast to Jesus
And here we have Jesus Christ who was born in a warm month when the
flocks were still outdoors at night - as ample proof that a compromise has been
made. December 25th was celebrated by the pagans in Christ's day, but
he and his early followers would have NO PART of it.
"It is evident that Jesus was NOT born during the middle of winter,
for at the time of his birth, the shepherds were living out in the fields
with their flocks. As the bible says: 'There were in the same country
shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night"
(Luke 2:8). As is well known, the shepherds in Palestine do NOT
"abide in the fields" during the winter season because of the extreme,
cold temperatures. The shepherds always bring their flocks in
from the mountain slopes and fields no later than October 15th! "
- Mede's Works, 1679. Discourse xlvii
Christ's First Followers -
REFUSED to Celebrate December 25th
"On your day of gladness, we [Christians] neither cover
our doorposts with wreaths, nor intrude upon the day with lamps.
At the call of public festivity, you consider it a proper thing
to decorate your house like some new brothel.
We are accused of a lower sacrilege because
we do not celebrate along with you the holidays ..."
- (Tertullian, (A.D. 155-220), 2001, p. 1176).
(quoted by David Bercot, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs,
1998, p. 342).
"The pagan Romans clad their doorposts with green and branching
laurels...In the Saturnalia...Presents come and go...There
and Banquets...yet Christians should have no acquaintance with
the festivals of the pagans."
- Tertullian, (A.D. 155-220),
quoted by David Bercot,
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, 1998, p. 342).
"In the days of Christ, December 25th
was sacred to the pagan Romans..."
-The Xmas Story Part 4
"Heathen Holidays" by Denise Snodgrass
"Familiar to early Christians was the Saturnalia,
an ancient Roman festival celebrated during the
last days of December in honour of Saturn, the god
of agriculture. The Saturnalia...was diametrically
opposed to the teachings of Christ."
- Hidden Truths About Christmas
UCG; Australia
"To the pagans, the Saturnalia was fun.
To the Christians, the Saturnalia was an
abomination in homage to a disreputable god
who had no existence anyway."
-4,000 Years of Christmas:
A Gift from the Ages (1997)
Earl Count
"At the time of persecution,
Christians were detected
by NOT decorating their houses
at the Saturnalia. The ancient Christians
were puritanically jealous of anything that
might seem like coqueting with idolatry. "
"Gift Giving - during the Roman festival of Saturnalia,
gifts were given as good luck emblems and houses were
decorated with greenery. The early Christians, however,
frowned on this pagan ritual, and wouldn't have any part of it."
- Christmas Traditions & Trivia
1999 HFCWillcox
"Faithful men of God who knew and loved
the Scriptures of truth fought against
the mingling of paganism with the name of Christ.
They were valiant in opposing the entry of
Christmas and its festivals among the believers."
-The Truth about CHRISTMAS
Flee from Idolatry
by R. F. Becker
"The early Christians discouraged the use of
evergreen decorations in Christian homes and
assemblies, because their display had long been
associated with heathen festivals."
-Campbell ; The Story of Christmas
But how quick Christendom was - to jump in bed with paganism.
No wonder she is called a whore.
"Babylon" - The Great
Jumping in Bed with Paganism
Spiritual Adultery / Spiritual Fornication
"Christianity has jumped in bed with paganism!"
-The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS!
William F. Dankenbring and John D. Keyser
"The wicked apostate Church fornicated spiritually
with the heathen, pagan religions of the world,
and "ADOPTED" the date of December 25th
as the "birth-day" of Jesus the Messiah,
who was born nowhere NEAR that time of year!"
-The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS!
William F. Dankenbring and John D. Keyser
"Christmas...was not instituted by Christ
or the apostles, nor by Bible authority.
It was picked up afterward from paganism.”
-Encyclopedia Britannica, 1946 edition
"...the whoredoms of all perverted Christian
religionists are still in essence the same old harlotry
which first found place and embodiment on the banks of
the Euphrates. It is the same old Babylon, and her harlot
daughters, bearing rule or kingdom upon the dominions of
the earth, and intoxicating the inhabitants thereof
out of the wine of her fornication. True religion and
an uncorrupted Church have never suited the
representatives of power, or pleased them long."
Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss
"The wine of old Babylon's fornication was a debauching
system of idol worship and carnal self-exaltation, over
and against the revelations and institutes of Jehovah.
It was already bottled and labelled before the first
dispersion (Confusion of Tongues at the Tower of Babel).
It went with that dispersion into every country and nation
under heaven. As a matter of fact, we find it to this day
among all the nations of the earth, affecting and controlling
their thinking, their policies, their faith, and their worship.
Not less than two-thirds of the population of the earth
at this hour are Pagan idolaters, drivelling under the same
old intoxication which came forth from Nimrod and Babylon."
Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss
"When the early church departed from God
and imbibed pagan errors, she became Babylon.."
- the International Sabbath School Quarterly,
Feb. 29, 1896
"It was by departure from the LORD,
and alliance with the heathen
that became a harlot."
- The Great Controversy, page 382.
In 1851, James White wrote :
'The woman, which is the great city, called Babylon,
symbolizes the fallen apostate churches'.... "
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