Thursday, May 03, 2007

RE: Alert! ! US under Massive Chemical Attack! ALERT! It's Here!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Save Our Troops, WE Won't Forget 911 !
Date: May 2, 2007 8:37 PM

Chemtrails are genetically engineered to attack certain ethnic groups, cause Morgellons Disease, ADD, Cancer, & are killing off the Honey Bees!!


Thanks to: Veritas (Latin For Truth)
& James Clair Lewis
& ~♥Reality~

This is Because you need to know...Your enemie is not Each's the Global Government that is doing this on a Global Level...ChemTrails are a Global Problem and it's the New World Order~Illuminatii~FreeMasons~GOVERNMENTS~aka the Dark Sided Ones...What ever You want to call them "they"...and it won't stop at just making you sick...these are VeriChips in these Fibers...Haarp and Elf are also particapants in this...the VeriChip won't just be to track you...It will be Used to Super Zapp Us into the Matrix and Enslave us...It's time to Really Wake Up...Our War as a People is Truly Over...This is a Global Issue..Ban Together Love Each Other..~ONE~Reality


Chemtrails, Nano-Tech and Morgellons - Warning this information can change whirrled views.

You thought you'd seen it all? Thought "CHEMtrails" were a myth? Not looked upward in the last decade?

Nope? The psuedo illuminoids bring you a precursor to the FinalDeception in the possible form of decades ahead hyper-virus delivered, as usual, in plane [sic] sight.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is launching a study of Morgellons disease that may target South Texas where more than 1000 people are suffering from the illness.

Full video available at

It's not often that you hear of someone with Morgellons becoming "symptom free"!

We're so happy to be able to bring you video of Connie M. sharing her story of triumph against Morgellons. You get to hear her unscripted and unrehearsed, as she shares a story that surly all Morgellons disease sufferer can relate to.

1st ever video prooving the existence of morgellons disease. a disease where strings grow out of the skin and excrutiating pain when removed.

Unless you are completely oblivious, you must have noticed that our skies have been being sprayed with aerosols over populated areas for the past few years. This has been increasing at an alarming rate. While this documentary doesn't raise these specific issues, it definitely sends me a message about the likelihood that Morgellons disease is a genetic bio-weapon.

These chemicals are being engineered to attack ethnicity, and can be modified to only attack a particular race... it appears in this American video, that they are blaming something on iran, as a pretext to attack them.. when it is the U.S. who has actually developed these weapons and a global govt that has been spraying us with them for at least a decade now... using us as guinea pigs to study the effects... they have put different agebnts in these chemtrails over the years, i believe, and gradually killing everyone globally with them. There is one way to stop this... STOP PAYING AND BUYING FROM BIG BIZNES, AND CORPORATIONS!!! Dont pay taxes.. learn to survive without corporations, or watch your children die. This IS Chemical Warfare my friends!

Fearmonger Billboards across America Bio Attack 11/9/09!!!!

These rather fetchingly huge fearmongering billboards have been going up across America recently to advertise the Red Cross.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Note that they interestingly place the date of a future "attack" as November 9th 2009, that is 11/9/09

Also note that the small print states the attack is to be a bio-chemical attack

well i have news for you... THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN ATTACKING US FOR YEARS!!! PLease WAKE UP!




by Cliff Mickelson

For several years there has been a growing buzz in North American apiary circles concerning the massive and often peculiar die-offs and/or outright disappearance of fully productive and formerly thriving honeybee hives.

As a 'bee farmer" myself, I can personally attest to the occurrence of this puzzling phenomena. Public reports first began to surface in 2004 of massive infestations of Varo Mites in bee hives across the continent. That the mite should cause a die-off was no surprise.
What was a surprise was the heretofore never experienced tenacity and resistance to eradication displayed by this creature.

The Varo Mite has always been a particularly nasty customer for the bee farmer to deal with. Over the years this microscopic pest has grown tolerant to a number of formerly useful control methods. As a result of the increase in pesticide tolerance, the Varo mite infestation of 2004/05 was horrific. The losses to farmers ran into the tens of millions of dollars and the shortage of serviceable hives was widely reflected across the board in the wholesale prices of most agricultural products.

But, that was then and this is now. As 2006 fades to a memory and 2007 waxes full, yet another major calamity stalks the honey bee. But this time the stakes are much higher. And... this time there are no easily apparent causes nor are there any apparent answers. This time the Varo mite has an alibi. The little six legged rascal is no longer found in large numbers at the scene of the crime. This latter day crime scene has all the hallmarks of a Nancy Drew mystery. Entire colonies of bees are once again dying wholesale or are disappearing without a trace. The vacant colonies leave behind no dead bees, no dead queens, and only immature brood that will never hatch.

Bee keepers are bewildered. Most have never seen anything like it before. Farmers simply shake their heads in wonderment. What on EARTH could be at work here?

What on EARTH, indeed!.... In view of the paucity of solid research concerning the recent die-off of honey bees it is difficult at this time to put the blame on any one particular source. It may well be that there is a combination of sources involved. But whatever the catalyst, it is likely something so bizarre that it has never been encountered before by modern apiary science.

And so...With that said I should like to nominate one potential pathogenic suspect with bizarre credentials of its own; one who may have a role to play in this equally bizarre saga...the nominee is the "stranger than fiction" Morgellons/fiber disease life form.

This peculiar pathogen is virtually unknown to modern mainstream medical science. As a result it remains exceedingly difficult to identify in any host, human or otherwise.

Although it's effects on humans is being increasingly well documented by a small cadre of dedicated researchers, what remains less known by the Morgellons-aware public is that this pathogen does not limit its attentions to humans alone. It can be found infesting fauna and flora across a wide spectrum of the bio-sphere.

Morgellons AKA the Fiber Disease is nearly always 100% fatal when it attacks amphibians. It rapidly kills both lizards and frogs. It has been documented in alligators and also found in snakes. It attacks and kills insects with a peculiar vengeance. The pathogenic proclivity of the Fiber Disease is well documented. And...It is spreading like wildfire!

I have personally observed and catalogued many species of flies and other small winged insects who's existence has been abruptly terminated by the Fiber Disease. It often leaves its unfortunate insect victims looking like a pin cushion with a profusion of macro and micro hairs extruding from their bodies.

Could Morgellons AKA the Fiber Disease be the recent mystery killer of so much of planet Earth's Fauna? Could this affliction be the reason that entire colonies of bees are disappearing without a trace?

And...What about Flora? Evidence is now being compiled that indicates that many plants too, are falling victim to the enigma that is this malady.

So...Who wants to take a trip to the medical Twilight Zone?....It is here we find a number of excellent photos of what Morgellons can do @:

The Morgellons organism also attacks dogs, cats, horses, and a wide variety of other warm blooded animals. See the "Pet Files" at:

My friends...This thing is a killer and a destroyer of lives. We should not be surprised at all to find out that this exceptionally bizarre life form has lent its hand in the ongoing demise of so many current denizens of Planet Earth, both large and small, including Man's best friend...The humble honey Bee.

-Cliff Mickelson....

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