Sunday, April 29, 2007

RE: RE: NutraDeath-FDA Spins News on Second Cancer Study

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ♥ Angel ♥ ™
Date: Apr 29, 2007 7:11 AM

Thanks & Lots of love to ya: Monica (RESIST THE NWO)


Date: Apr 28, 2007 5:49 PM


Aspartame - FDA Spins News on Second Cancer Study

Morando Soffritti, an Italian researcher with the Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna is known for his publication of a study that found aspartame, the artificial sweetener consisting of two amino acids and a methanol binding agent, caused multiple cancers in rats. Soffritti was in New York on Monday, 23 April, to accept a prestigious academic award and to talk about a second study his institute is conducting with lower doses of aspartame. Although results have not yet been published, the study appears set to confirm the findings of the first study and the researchers are finding negative health effects even at very low dosages of aspartame, comparable to the intakes of people who are regularly using diet drinks.

See New Study by Ramazzini Institute Confirms Aspartame Carcinogenic

Betty Martini with Dr. Morando Soffritti

In a move designed to head off yet more negative publicity for the toxic sweetener, the FDA issued a press release on Friday - just days before Soffritti's talk at the Mount Sinai Medical School - re-stating the FDA's earlier contention that there is "No evidence the sweetener causes cancer".

"The Food and Drug Administration says Italian researchers reached the wrong conclusion when they said the sugar substitute aspartame causes cancer. The director of the F-D-A's Office of Food Additive Safety, Laura Tarantino, says a review of the data from the 2005 study found "no evidence" that the low-calorie sweetener is a carcinogen. A similar review by the F-D-A's European counterpart reached the same conclusion."
In this way, the press was induced to carry the FDA's denial in numerous variations and Soffritti's talk last Monday was no longer considered "newsworthy", although there IS a new study in progress and it certainly adds to emerging knowledge about the effects of the artificial sweetener. It is of interest to see PR at work here and one should should note how well the technologies of public communication are being used by Big Pharma and its supposed "regulator", the FDA. The two, it seems, will soon be joined in an incestuous 'marriage', if a recent bill proposed by Senator Kennedy finds the approval of US lawmakers.

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Aspartame - FDA spins news on second cancer study

(adapted from a recent communication of Betty Martini)

On Monday, Morando Soffritti, M..D., Scientific Director of the European Foundation for Oncology and Environment Sciences "B. Ramazzini" in Bologna, Italy received the prestigious Irving J. Selikoff Award and gave a lecture on a new study on aspartame with small doses. After his first study in 2005 that made world news proving aspartame to be a multipotential carcinogen, confirming FDA's original records, the European Ramazzini Foundation began a second long term experiment, administering aspartame at low doses in food to rats beginning during fetal life. Dr. Soffritti's new study suggests a danger to unborn babies and especially to children, including the risk of breast cancer as the child ages.

In original studies by Searle aspartame also triggered mammary tumors big time. He says aspartame causes leukemia, lymphoma and pelvis and kidney tumors. In his first study only the rats fed aspartame developed malignant brain tumors. Aspartame breaks down to diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent that triggered brain tumors in original studies. In the Bressler Report or FDA audit, it explains how Searle, the original manufacturer were excising the brain tumors, putting the rats back in the study, and then resurrecting them on paper when they died. The report is on In fact, Dr. H. J. Roberts, Dr. Russell Blaylock and myself spoke to Jerome Bressler and he said it was so bad when the FDA retyped his report they removed the most damning 20%. The FDA to this day refuses to release it, even to a congressman.

Dr. Soffritti mentioned in his lecture that aspartame is in 500 drugs, and I might add even in children's prescription drugs like Pediatric Augmentin, pediatric vitamins and over-the-counter pediatric drugs. Also important was the caution that pregnant moms that consumed aspartame appeared to pass on the cancer risk to fetuses, with the vulnerability of fetuses being such that exposure in womb seemed to add to cancer risk later in life. That parallels the human experience.

In 1985, Dr. Louis Elsas, Professor of Genetics, then at Emory University, told Congress that aspartame is a neurotoxin and teratogen and causes birth defects and mental retardation. Would you ever consider a child using this deadly, deadly poison. Would you give a child arsenic? Don't allow a child to have aspartame. In fact, neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., in a lecture said the reactions are not allergic but toxic like those to arsenic and cyanide. His new lecture really explains how serious the original Ramazzini Study is and how precise. It's called The Truth About Aspartame and you can get a copy at Dr. Blaylock's books like Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills are at

The FDA just committed such a despicable act. Knowing the new Ramazzini would make world news on Monday, they sent out a release on Friday on the 2005 Ramazzini study saying they didn't accept it. Of course, they didn't say why because there was no reason. You should see what the aspartame industry with their influence tried to rebut it with and got caught. First they tried to use a 16 page diet and health study questionnaire for seniors over ten years ago. It asked if you smoke, do you exercise, do you eat crackers, cookies sausage, collards, what was your highest grade in school, have you had a hysterectomy, did you eat pancakes, oatmeal or strawberries in the past year; carrots cheeseburgers, cornbread or brownies. Aspartame is named in one of 56 questions: "Over the last 12 months when you drank coffee or tea, what kind of sweetener did you regularly add?" They advertised that as a new Federal Study on 567,000 Americans by the NIH, NCI and AARP. What they didn't ask on the questionnaire was whether the respondents had used aspartame products.

Then the European Food Safety Authority with links to Ajinomoto came out with this "but the rats had respiratory disease which caused the cancers". They should have been ashamed of themselves. Any physician or researcher knows respiratory disease is often part of the dying process and it doesn't cause cancer. After reporting them to the Universal Court of Justice one of the members confessed they were pressured by industry to hijack science. So the FDA had no excuses left to use.

The whole story about aspartame and cancer is in the public record. It's in the medical text on the global plague - Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H. J. Roberts, M.D. One man and an attorney who worked in the Justice Department with aspartame brain tumors are interviewed in "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,, an aspartame documentary.

Aspartame in The Ecologist

Can it get any worse? Aspartame can cause you to drop dead: many reports come in about children athletes who drop dead for no apparent reason.

Meanwhile, Sainsbury's has removed aspartame from it soft drinks...


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