Thursday, April 26, 2007

RE: Corporatism Claims Ownership of the World - you included

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Veritas (Latin For Truth)
Date: Apr 25, 2007 8:37 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Aristocutionor
Date: Apr 25, 2007 5:24 PM

Corporatism Claims Ownership of the World - you included

The Law of the Land is over the Law of the Sea; i.e, Sovereign Unalienable Rights are above Corporate Law. That is the way the united States of America started. That is what the Constitution (Primary Law of the Land) states.

Sovereignty of persons is recognized from ancient times, and so are Corporate Agreements.
That is the true dividing line in the sand.

One can distill The Agenda down, and what it comes down to is each person recognizes the Sovereign Unalienable (means Creator God given) Law of the Land, or, one recognizes Corporate Law, as Sovereign.

That element, the Sovereignty of Corporatism is the ultimate usurpation - meaning that Corporate Government is The Sovereign; i.e, sets itself up as if The Creator God - as if it owns the creation.
This reduces persons to being the property of a piece of paper; and that paper contains no Unalienable Rights (God didn't Create it) - just terms and conditions like any Contract.

Alaska has a functioning model where the Sovereign Citizens of the State of Alaska are recognized as the Sovereign owners of the resources of the State of Alaska: and are paid for the oil (natural resources) extracted in individual person "royalties". The State Government of Alaska negotiates the Contracts with Corporations for the Citizens of Alaska - there is often lively debate about "the deal". The point is Corporations don't own the oil fields in Alaska, and the people get paid for allowing a Corporation to exploit them.

The aspect of "religion" in all this is that it serves the figurative "signing over" of Sovereignty from the Creator God to the Corporate God by consent of the people. They, the Sovereign persons, are deceived into Contracting away their Unalienable Rights - if not by overt support, then by compliance, and if not by compliance then by force.
Eventually, the "mark" in the hand (what you do) and in the forehead (what you think) is what determines whether "you're against us, or, with us", and, that depends on perspectives; and there are plenty of perspectives.

There is treason by definition in high places, and there are principalities and powers at play. The stakes are very high depending on what you believe; and depending on what you are worth (net worth and earnings worth). Pretty high stakes for a lot of unsuspecting people. The consequences are severe. Just as paper Corporatism is a counterfeit God, so too there is a counterfeit Judgment - only it is conducted by a Corporate Government.

Now apply Corporatism to all you see: 9-11, the Acts, the Wars, the Real ID... the Central Banks' control, the media, mergers, education agendas, population control... all the truther hot buttons, and you will see the motivation, manifested. If you understand the motivation it's easy to see what's up and where it's heading and how it's likely to end.

The fulcrum is this - "A Corporation has all the Rights and privileges of a person." Change that one "law" and the sword is thrust through the heart of the beast. There is a reason the Constitution says the Government (Corporation) can NOT own land; i.e, can NOT be sovereign.

The video - Jordan Maxwell, 9min-52sec. Excellent explanation of Corporate Law. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!!!


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