Wednesday, April 25, 2007

RE: Austin 9/11 Truth Now: Kerry Video (oops)

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Wendy Bird
Date: Apr 25, 2007 12:37 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Austin 9/11 Truth Now
Date: Apr 25, 2007 8:20 AM


By now most of you have seen the video of Austin 9/11 Truth Now confronting Senator John Kerry about Dr. Stephen Jones, Thermate, Chemtrails and WTC-7. If you have not, watch the embedded video below.

Michelle and I first discovered Senator Kerry was visiting Austin for a signing of his new book, This Moment on Earth, the day before. In a small paragraph on the second page of the Statesman, we read that he would be at Book People. We thought, "This is a prominent US Senator, a one-time presidential candidate, and an individual that worked with the 9/11 Commission - let's ask him some questions about 9/11."

On the way to the signing, we thought up two questions, and looking back, we are pleased that we were able to ask both of them. We wanted the first question to mention the work of Dr. Stephen Jones and his findings that there is the same signature chemical composition of thermate in the iron spheres discovered in the dust at the WTC. We wanted the second question to address the smoking gun that is WTC-7.

We also didn't want to draw attention to ourselves. Two people walking in with two cameramen probably wouldn't have been the best idea, so the cameramen arrived early and separately to set up. Michelle and I also arrived separately and sat on different sides of the room to increase the likelihood that we would both be chosen to ask our questions.

I was personally a little surprised that it was as easy as it was to get in and find a seat. The senator and his wife were running late, and I was seated by the bookshelf displaying their book, so I decided to skim through it to get some ideas to throw out in order to warm them up to me before asking the question.

The video that you will see below is chopped down considerably. The senator and his wife spoke for a good thirty to forty minutes and there were several questions. The first gentleman to raise his hand was critical of the war in Iraq and of the possibility of our government using our tax dollars to fund all of this environmentalism while already stretching us our breaking point with the war in Iraq.

Michelle was the second one up. Then there were two or three more questions before I got up to ask mine. The video makes it look like our questions were asked back to back, which makes it look like we set Kerry up to answer the way he did. The fact that Senator Kerry uses the word "controlled" is significant because I did not use the word in my own question - and my question was asked of him at least ten minutes after Michelle's. Watch it for yourself:


AUSTIN 9/11 TRUTH NOW: Hi, Senator Kerry, you bring up our sense of personal responsibility as citizens and to hold those responsible and accountable, and I was just wondering if you had ever heard of Dr. Stephen Jones?

SENATOR JOHN KERRY: [Confused look]

AUSTIN 9/11 TRUTH NOW: He is a professor, and WAS a professor at Brigham Young University; he was put on leave and forced into retirement. He did a conference, a presentation here last weekend at the University of Texas put on by the Project for a New American Citizen, and he discovered, by testing World Trade Center dust, that there were chemical compounds and the same chemical composition that made up thermate. He believes that this is a result of controlled demolition. I was just wondering, since you are all for holding people accountable and being personally responsible as a citizen, if you were up to hearing witness and expert testimony as to how the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.

SENATOR JOHN KERRY: Well that's a new one to me. I'd have to – I mean, obviously I'm open to anything that's based on fact and evidence, and if somebody has evidence, I'll take a look at it. I'd be happy to take a look at it.

AUSTIN 9/11 TRUTH NOW: I just want to commend you both for your stance on environmental issues like [these] that are so important. Chapter 2 I really got a lot out of, especially when you talk about the Environmental Working Group. I think we could all benefit from going to There's also a searchable database there. You can plug in all of your personal hygiene products and see which ones are toxic to you that you're using on a daily basis. I think that another thing that we should focus on, too, is genetically modified organisms. Another thing: the use of Depleted Uranium in Iraq, chemtrails being sprayed over major cities everywhere in this country daily - a big concern of mine since I watch these things daily. And what is it? The Air Force denies the fact that they exist. They think that they are regular contrails, but we know better than that.

Also, a question I have for you: World Trade Center 7 was brought down on September 11, at 5:20 in the evening. The leaseholder of the WTC complex, Larry Silverstein, gave a public interview on PBS in 2002, and he said that they "pulled" that building, which is a demolition term for intentionally bringing down a building. This man made over five billion dollars from those building's destruction, and I want to know if there was ever a formal investigation into Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the World Trade Center complex, and his ties to this entire event.

SENATOR JOHN KERRY: I don't believe there's been a formal investigation. I haven't heard of that. I don't know that. I do know that, that wall, I remember, was in danger, and I think that they made a decision based on the danger that it had of destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion. You know, he's part of the construction/reconstruction effort for the memorial and the use of the land, etc. There's been a long tug of war going on in New York. I am not following every aspect of it, because it is not in my jurisdiction, so to speak, but I'll check on what the story is ...

AUSTIN 9/11 TRUTH NOW: Considering the war, you should be concerned with it ...

SENATOR JOHN KERRY: I'll take a look on it, based on what you've said. You are the first people anywhere in the country who have brought this to my attention ...

AUSTIN 9/11 TRUTH NOW: Well, interestingly enough, the 9/11 Commission Report does not even address World Trade Center 7 and the fact that it fell the way that it did ...

SENATOR JOHN KERRY: Let me find out about it. I don't know anything about it, it's not in our book ...


Now, it is obvious that claims of Kerry saying that WTC-7 was a controlled demolition are mistaken because his exact words were "controlled fashion" and he was talking about a wall. There has been a great amount of debate on YouTube and on the net regarding Kerry's statement and what he actually meant by it.

I think it is important that we keep his comments in the context of my question. My question specifically asked him about Larry Silverstein making $5B from the WTC destruction and whether or not he was ever investigated for fraud given the fact that he made the statement:

"I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

Senator Kerry said that he didn't think that this man has been investigated and quickly explained that this man is involved in the reconstruction effort as if to say that we should be praising this man for doing good things instead of looking at the bad things he may have done.

This is irresponsible and negligent. Any rookie crime scene investigator would know that the crime scene that was Ground Zero was destroyed, seemingly intentionally, by Controlled Demolitions, Inc. as they shipped off the remains of the buildings as quickly as possible and without thorough investigation. The fact that Silverstein made $5B off a very insignificant investment of two "white elephant" office buildings that would have cost him over $2B to clean all the asbestos out of should raise red flags!

Follow the money trail!

I find it difficult to believe that John Kerry has never heard of Larry Silverstein saying "pull it". Either Senator Kerry lives in an Afghani cave or he is not being fully honest with us. Even though Kerry admits that he has never heard or seen that interview, he goes on to explain what he does "know". His words were, again:

"I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger, and I think that they made a decision based on the danger that it had of destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion."

The debate has been hot about what wall Kerry was referring to. Again, if you keep it in context of WTC-7, he must be talking about the side of WTC-7 that was damaged by falling debris, and which you can see pictures of that show a large chunk of the wall taken out.

This wall does show considerable damage. In keeping with my question, we must assume that Senator Kerry is talking about that wall. If that is a fair assumption, we must also consider that he said that they took it down in a "controlled fashion".

We are hearing a United States Senator telling us that what he "knows" is that they brought down the wall of WTC-7 in a "controlled fashion" - hence, a "controlled" demolition.

Anyone watching WTC-7 collapse knows that the building does not collapse as one would suspect the building would fall given the damage on the above picture. One would assume that gravity would do its job and bring that building toppling over and not directly into the path of most resistance, and we certainly could not expect the penthouse suite to indicate the initiation of the collapse based upon the visual evidence of the building.

The damage that is evident in that last shot is caused by the collapse of the building - and this was snapped just a second or two into the collapse as you see the penthouse has already fallen. For comparison's sake, let's watch a controlled demolition:

If Senator Kerry is saying that they performed a "controlled fashion" demolition on this building, then he knows more than the 9/11 Commission and the National Institute of Science and Technology. They still have not released a formal report on WTC-7, but we are told it is in the works. Also, if they did intentionally bring this building down, why did they not remove critical files and data first? And how did they work so fast to get it wired up to bring it down perfectly?

The fact of the matter is: there is no way that they could have brought it down in a "controlled fashion" at 5:20 PM on September 11th, unless that building was already wired. That, of course, begs the question, "WHY?"

Everything that happened in NYC that day hinges on the truth of WTC-7 being made public. I personally find it awesome that this video has sparked so much debate. For the last two days, the video has generated nearly 85,000 hits and quickly rose to be the eleventh most viewed video on all of YouTube, the number one viewed political video, and the most discussed and linked video.

Discussion is absolutely critical on this issue.

Austin 9/11 Truth Now believes that 9/11 was an inside job, an example of how far the globalists will go to bring about world goverment. Using fear of attack, the United States as a war engine, and our own legislature to break apart our Constitution under the guise of national security they are attempting to destroy our country and our way of life.

Our country was attacked by criminal elements of our own government and those secret parts of our government run by the CIA, the CFR, the Bilderburgers, the Trilateral Commission and funded by international bankers through the Federal Reserve's system of taxing us to death.

How does it feel to know that 9/11 was engineered with our money and our hard work?

How does it feel to know that the war on terror and the subsequent destruction of our Constitution is happening while we flip the bill?

It is time that each and every one of us get involved and confront public officials everywhere they may go. We must PUSH the issue and PUSH it hard. We must be as Paul Revere, running through the streets, foaming at the mouth, screaming "The New World Order is coming!"


As Luke said as he bravely confronted one of the NWO cronies: NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY WILL PREVAIL!


Joseph, Michelle and everyone at Austin 9/11 Truth Now

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